Table 4-2 Control Codes Generated
Control Character Mnemonic Transmitted Code (Octal) Key Pressed with CTRL Dedicated Key
Null NUL 000 Space Bar -
Start of heading SOH 001 A -
Start of text STX 002 B -
End of text ETX 003 C -
End of transmission EOT 004 D -
Enquire ENQ 005 E -
Acknowledge ACK 006 F -
Bell BEL 007 G -
Back space BS 010 H BACK SPACE
Horizontal tabulation HT 011 I TAB
Linefeed LF 012 J LINE FEED
Vertical tabulation VT 013 K -
Form feed FF 014 L -
Carriage return CR 015 M RETURN*
Shift out SO 016 N -
Shift in SI 017 O -
Data link escape DLE 020 P -
Device control 1 DC1 (XON) 021 Q -
Device control 2 DC2 022 R -
Device control 3 DC3 (XOFF) 023 S -
Device control 4 DC4 024 T -
Negative acknowledge NAK 025 U -
Synchronous idle SYN 026 V -
End of transmission block ETB 027 W -
Cancel of previous word or character CAN 030 X -
End of medium EM 031 Y -
Substitute SUB 032 Z -
Escape ESC 033 [ -
File separator FS 034 \ -
Group separator GS 035 ] -
Record separator RS 036 ~ -
Unit separator US 037 ? -
Delete DEL 177   DELETE
* The numeric keypad mode determines whether RETURN and ENTER generate the same control codes. The codes generated by RETURN are changed by two feature selections:
  • The auto turnaround SET-UP feature when using half-duplex coded control (HDX B). The turnaround/disconnect SET-UP feature selected the turnaround character. If the turnaround character is carriage return (CR), the terminal transmits only one CR when you press RETURN.

  • The line feed/new line feature. When this feature is on, RETURN generates two characters (CR, LF). When this feature is off, RETURN generates a CR.