Using Tuples with Key Creators

Key creators were used in prior examples to extract index keys from value objects. The keys were returned as deserialized key objects, since the serial format was used for keys. In this example, the tuple format is used for keys and the key creators return keys by writing information to a tuple. The differences between this example and the prior example are:

In addition to writing key tuples, the ShipmentByPartKeyCreator and ShipmentBySupplierKeyCreator classes also read the key tuple of the primary key. This is because they extract the index key from fields in the Shipment's primary key. Instead of calling getter methods on the ShipmentKey object, as in prior examples, these methods call TupleInput.readString. The ShipmentKey consists of two string fields that are read in sequence.

The modified key creators are shown below: SupplierByCityKeyCreator, ShipmentByPartKeyCreator and ShipmentBySupplierKeyCreator.

import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyCreator;
import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
public class SampleDatabase
    private static class SupplierByCityKeyCreator
        extends TupleSerialKeyCreator
        private SupplierByCityKeyCreator(StoredClassCatalog catalog,
                                         Class valueClass)
            super(catalog, valueClass);

        public boolean createSecondaryKey(TupleInput primaryKeyInput,
                                          Object valueInput,
                                          TupleOutput indexKeyOutput)
            SupplierData supplierData = (SupplierData) valueInput;
            String city = supplierData.getCity();
            if (city != null) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    private static class ShipmentByPartKeyCreator
        extends TupleSerialKeyCreator
        private ShipmentByPartKeyCreator(StoredClassCatalog catalog,
                                         Class valueClass)
            super(catalog, valueClass);

        public boolean createSecondaryKey(TupleInput primaryKeyInput,
                                          Object valueInput,
                                          TupleOutput indexKeyOutput)
            String partNumber = primaryKeyInput.readString();
            // don't bother reading the supplierNumber
            return true;

    private static class ShipmentBySupplierKeyCreator
        extends TupleSerialKeyCreator
        private ShipmentBySupplierKeyCreator(StoredClassCatalog catalog,
                                             Class valueClass)
            super(catalog, valueClass);

        public boolean createSecondaryKey(TupleInput primaryKeyInput,
                                          Object valueInput,
                                          TupleOutput indexKeyOutput)
            primaryKeyInput.readString(); // skip the partNumber
            String supplierNumber = primaryKeyInput.readString();
            return true;