Projects : yrc : yrc_95K_rc1


Dir - Raw

1632836 yrc_subdir_genesis jfw Initial V release of yrc, version 97K (regrind of yrc_genesis to follow the project subdir and manifest naming conventions and indent with tabs rather than spaces)
2633652 yrc_linear_scroll_etc jfw Version 96K with smooth/linear scrolling, Python 2.6 compat, yrc2local log formatter, bugfixes and more: see NEWS for details.
3768770 yrc_minor_refactors_reorders jfw Move prompt_clear to a higher layer by making it use the prompt_chars accessor: it now deletes entries from a fixed character list container rather than replacing the list as a whole. Expand prompt_backspace not to stack on top of prompt_delete, coming out only slightly longer. Tighten some prompt commands (such as backspace/delete) to skip unnecessary redraw. In codemap.txt, reclassify commands dict as a quasiconstant since it doesn't change after startup.
4768773 yrc_minor_command_reorder jfw Move prompt_backspace and prompt_delete implementations to match the more sensible order in keymap and manual.
5768773 yrc_input_history jfw Implement input history, by use of a new data structure for rings (cyclic lists).
6768775 yrc_kill_yank jfw Implement the basic kill and yank commands. Also: rename prompt-backward command to prompt-back, to avert confusion with the anticipated prompt-back-word; update manual for the new commands plus clarifications & updated priorities.
7768776 yrc_prompt_redraw_optimization jfw Optimize and clarify prompt drawing code; remove unneeded prompt_set_hscroll for consistency (this turned out to be needed after all; see an upcoming patch for fix and explanation).
8768777 yrc_minor_command_reorder_2 jfw Reverse presentation order of back/forward prompt commands for consistency; also comment on possibly confusing differences between ctrl/meta functions.
9768777 yrc_word_level_commands jfw Implement word-level motions and kills. A new global flag is needed for state tracking to coalesce multiple sequential kills into one. kill_start and kill_end are rebased on a common kill_range routine which also supports the new word-level variants.
10768778 yrc_reindent_docs jfw Reindent spaces to tabs in documentation. (In README.txt, indentation levels are reduced across the board.)
11769932 yrc_minor_char_refactors jfw Use backspace character code from yterm rather than showing it in long form. Replace char_range() with simple character classifier functions (consistent with the existing ones and potentially faster than string membership tests). Add citations for some strange IRC character classifications (which came up when looking into how to delimit completion prefixes).
12769934 yrc_completion jfw Implement tab completion for nicks, channels and slash commands. Relatedly: factor out the now common case of inserting multiple characters into the prompt at once, as insert_multi; correct rfind_word_start and find_word_end to always return a valid cursor position (empty returns previously happened to work due to obscure details of None handling); turn the leading slash into a proper part of slash command names, facilitating completion and better distinguishing them from keyboard commands. (Slash commands without parameters could in theory still be given key mappings, but the normal keyboard editing & scrolling commands make little sense to type at the prompt and are no longer recognized there.)
13769938 yrc_net_level_commands jfw Implement /close-net and /reconnect commands, and straighten out which commands can take a part/quit message. A reliable QUIT message *could* be implemented for /disconnect and /close-net (unlike for /quit), so make space to add it there by dropping the optional network name argument from /disconnect, which I found to be more confusing than helpful anyway.
14769940 yrc_connect_join_streamlining jfw Switch to network window on connect and channel window on join. Remove self-generated join/part info messages which route distractingly to the network window (the more useful server confirmations still show in the channel's own window and log). Send a new USER command when changing nick in the connected-unregistered state, since I found it necessary for multiple server implementations when nick is in use.
15769941 yrc_95K_rc1 Release candidate: catch up on codemap.txt updates, syncing up with the manual; lower temperature (ie bump version numbers) and update NEWS; import my old script for creating deterministic release tarballs, now updated to run on Gales.