Projects : mp-wp : mp-wp_svg-screenshots-and-errorreporting-r2


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3 * WordPress Administration Scheme API
4 *
5 * Here we keep the DB structure and option values.
6 *
7 * @package WordPress
8 * @subpackage Administration
9 */
12 * The database character collate.
13 * @var string
14 * @global string
15 * @name $charset_collate
16 */
17$charset_collate = '';
19// Declare these as global in case schema.php is included from a function.
20global $wpdb, $wp_queries;
22if ( $wpdb->has_cap( 'collation' ) ) {
23 if ( ! empty($wpdb->charset) )
24 $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset";
25 if ( ! empty($wpdb->collate) )
26 $charset_collate .= " COLLATE $wpdb->collate";
29/** Create WordPress database tables SQL */
30$wp_queries = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->terms (
31 term_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
32 name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
33 slug varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
34 term_group bigint(10) NOT NULL default 0,
35 PRIMARY KEY (term_id),
36 UNIQUE KEY slug (slug),
37 KEY name (name)
38) $charset_collate;
39CREATE TABLE $wpdb->term_taxonomy (
40 term_taxonomy_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
41 term_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
42 taxonomy varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
43 description longtext NOT NULL,
44 parent bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
45 count bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
46 PRIMARY KEY (term_taxonomy_id),
47 UNIQUE KEY term_id_taxonomy (term_id,taxonomy)
48) $charset_collate;
49CREATE TABLE $wpdb->term_relationships (
50 object_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
51 term_taxonomy_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
52 term_order int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
53 PRIMARY KEY (object_id,term_taxonomy_id),
54 KEY term_taxonomy_id (term_taxonomy_id)
55) $charset_collate;
56CREATE TABLE $wpdb->comments (
57 comment_ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
58 comment_post_ID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
59 comment_author tinytext NOT NULL,
60 comment_author_email varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
61 comment_author_url varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
62 comment_author_IP varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
63 comment_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
64 comment_date_gmt datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
65 comment_content text NOT NULL,
66 comment_karma int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
67 comment_approved varchar(20) NOT NULL default '1',
68 comment_agent varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
69 comment_type varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
70 comment_parent bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
71 user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
72 PRIMARY KEY (comment_ID),
73 KEY comment_approved (comment_approved),
74 KEY comment_post_ID (comment_post_ID),
75 KEY comment_approved_date_gmt (comment_approved,comment_date_gmt),
76 KEY comment_date_gmt (comment_date_gmt)
77) $charset_collate;
78CREATE TABLE $wpdb->links (
79 link_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
80 link_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
81 link_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
82 link_image varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
83 link_target varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
84 link_category bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
85 link_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
86 link_visible varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'Y',
87 link_owner int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
88 link_rating int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
89 link_updated datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
90 link_rel varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
91 link_notes mediumtext NOT NULL,
92 link_rss varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
93 PRIMARY KEY (link_id),
94 KEY link_category (link_category),
95 KEY link_visible (link_visible)
96) $charset_collate;
97CREATE TABLE $wpdb->options (
98 option_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
99 blog_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
100 option_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
101 option_value longtext NOT NULL,
102 autoload varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'yes',
103 PRIMARY KEY (option_id,blog_id,option_name),
104 KEY option_name (option_name)
105) $charset_collate;
106CREATE TABLE $wpdb->postmeta (
107 meta_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
108 post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
109 meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,
110 meta_value longtext,
111 PRIMARY KEY (meta_id),
112 KEY post_id (post_id),
113 KEY meta_key (meta_key)
114) $charset_collate;
115CREATE TABLE $wpdb->posts (
116 ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
117 post_author bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
118 post_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
119 post_date_gmt datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
120 post_content longtext NOT NULL,
121 post_title text NOT NULL,
122 post_category int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
123 post_excerpt text NOT NULL,
124 post_status varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'publish',
125 comment_status varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open',
126 ping_status varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open',
127 post_password varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
128 post_name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
129 to_ping text NOT NULL,
130 pinged text NOT NULL,
131 post_modified datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
132 post_modified_gmt datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
133 post_content_filtered text NOT NULL,
134 post_parent bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
135 guid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
136 menu_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
137 post_type varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'post',
138 post_mime_type varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
139 comment_count bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
141 KEY post_name (post_name),
142 KEY type_status_date (post_type,post_status,post_date,ID),
143 KEY post_parent (post_parent)
144) $charset_collate;
145CREATE TABLE $wpdb->users (
146 ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
147 user_login varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
148 user_pass varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
149 user_nicename varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
150 user_email varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
151 user_url varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
152 user_registered datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
153 user_activation_key varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
154 user_status int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
155 display_name varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
157 KEY user_login_key (user_login),
158 KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)
159) $charset_collate;
160CREATE TABLE $wpdb->usermeta (
161 umeta_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
162 user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
163 meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,
164 meta_value longtext,
165 PRIMARY KEY (umeta_id),
166 KEY user_id (user_id),
167 KEY meta_key (meta_key)
168) $charset_collate;";
171 * Create WordPress options and set the default values.
172 *
173 * @since 1.5.0
174 * @uses $wpdb
175 * @uses $wp_db_version
176 */
177function populate_options() {
178 global $wpdb, $wp_db_version;
180 $guessurl = wp_guess_url();
182 do_action('populate_options');
184 add_option('siteurl', $guessurl);
185 add_option('blogname', __('My Blog'));
186 add_option('blogdescription', __('Just another WordPress weblog'));
187 add_option('users_can_register', 0);
188 add_option('admin_email', '');
189 add_option('start_of_week', 1);
190 add_option('use_balanceTags', 0);
191 add_option('use_smilies', 1);
192 add_option('require_name_email', 1);
193 add_option('comments_notify', 1);
194 add_option('posts_per_rss', 10);
195 add_option('rss_excerpt_length', 50);
196 add_option('rss_use_excerpt', 0);
197 add_option('default_category', 1);
198 add_option('default_comment_status', 'open');
199 add_option('default_ping_status', 'open');
200 add_option('default_pingback_flag', 1);
201 add_option('default_post_edit_rows', 10);
202 add_option('posts_per_page', 10);
203 add_option('what_to_show', 'posts');
204 add_option('date_format', __('F j, Y'));
205 add_option('time_format', __('g:i a'));
206 add_option('links_updated_date_format', __('F j, Y g:i a'));
207 add_option('links_recently_updated_prepend', '<em>');
208 add_option('links_recently_updated_append', '</em>');
209 add_option('links_recently_updated_time', 120);
210 add_option('comment_moderation', 0);
211 add_option('moderation_notify', 1);
212 add_option('permalink_structure');
213 add_option('gzipcompression', 0);
214 add_option('hack_file', 0);
215 add_option('blog_charset', 'UTF-8');
216 add_option('moderation_keys');
217 add_option('active_plugins');
218 add_option('home', $guessurl);
219 // in case it is set, but blank, update "home"
220 if ( !__get_option('home') ) update_option('home', $guessurl);
221 add_option('category_base');
222 add_option('ping_sites', '');
223 add_option('advanced_edit', 0);
224 add_option('comment_max_links', 2);
225 add_option('gmt_offset', date('Z') / 3600);
226 // 1.5
227 add_option('default_email_category', 1);
228 add_option('recently_edited');
229 add_option('use_linksupdate', 0);
230 add_option('template', 'default');
231 add_option('stylesheet', 'default');
232 add_option('comment_whitelist', 1);
233 add_option('page_uris');
234 add_option('blacklist_keys');
235 add_option('comment_registration', 0);
236 add_option('rss_language', 'en');
237 add_option('html_type', 'text/html');
238 // 1.5.1
239 add_option('use_trackback', 0);
240 // 2.0
241 add_option('default_role', 'subscriber');
242 add_option('db_version', $wp_db_version);
243 // 2.0.1
244 if ( ini_get('safe_mode') ) {
245 // Safe mode screws up mkdir(), so we must use a flat structure.
246 add_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', 0);
247 add_option('upload_path', WP_CONTENT_DIR);
248 } else {
249 add_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', 1);
250 add_option('upload_path', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads');
251 }
253 // 2.0.3
254 add_option('secret', wp_generate_password(64));
256 // 2.1
257 add_option('blog_public', '1');
258 add_option('default_link_category', 2);
259 add_option('show_on_front', 'posts');
261 // 2.2
262 add_option('tag_base');
264 // 2.5
265 add_option('show_avatars', '1');
266 add_option('avatar_rating', 'G');
267 add_option('upload_url_path', '');
268 add_option('thumbnail_size_w', 150);
269 add_option('thumbnail_size_h', 150);
270 add_option('thumbnail_crop', 1);
271 add_option('medium_size_w', 300);
272 add_option('medium_size_h', 300);
274 // 2.6
275 add_option('avatar_default', 'mystery');
276 add_option('enable_app', 0);
277 add_option('enable_xmlrpc', 0);
279 // 2.7
280 add_option('large_size_w', 1024);
281 add_option('large_size_h', 1024);
282 add_option('image_default_link_type', 'file');
283 add_option('image_default_size', '');
284 add_option('image_default_align', '');
285 add_option('close_comments_for_old_posts', 0);
286 add_option('close_comments_days_old', 14);
287 add_option('thread_comments', 0);
288 add_option('thread_comments_depth', 5);
289 add_option('page_comments', 1);
290 add_option('comments_per_page', 50);
291 add_option('default_comments_page', 'newest');
292 add_option('comment_order', 'asc');
293 add_option('use_ssl', 0);
294 add_option('sticky_posts', array());
295 add_option('widget_categories', array());
296 add_option('widget_text', array());
297 add_option('widget_rss', array());
298 add_option('update_core', array());
299 add_option('dismissed_update_core', array());
301 // Delete unused options
302 $unusedoptions = array ('blodotgsping_url', 'bodyterminator', 'emailtestonly', 'phoneemail_separator', 'smilies_directory', 'subjectprefix', 'use_bbcode', 'use_blodotgsping', 'use_phoneemail', 'use_quicktags', 'use_weblogsping', 'weblogs_cache_file', 'use_preview', 'use_htmltrans', 'smilies_directory', 'fileupload_allowedusers', 'use_phoneemail', 'default_post_status', 'default_post_category', 'archive_mode', 'time_difference', 'links_minadminlevel', 'links_use_adminlevels', 'links_rating_type', 'links_rating_char', 'links_rating_ignore_zero', 'links_rating_single_image', 'links_rating_image0', 'links_rating_image1', 'links_rating_image2', 'links_rating_image3', 'links_rating_image4', 'links_rating_image5', 'links_rating_image6', 'links_rating_image7', 'links_rating_image8', 'links_rating_image9', 'weblogs_cacheminutes', 'comment_allowed_tags', 'search_engine_friendly_urls', 'default_geourl_lat', 'default_geourl_lon', 'use_default_geourl', 'weblogs_xml_url', 'new_users_can_blog', '_wpnonce', '_wp_http_referer', 'Update', 'action', 'rich_editing', 'autosave_interval', 'deactivated_plugins');
303 foreach ($unusedoptions as $option) :
304 delete_option($option);
305 endforeach;
307 // Set up a few options not to load by default
308 $fatoptions = array( 'moderation_keys', 'recently_edited', 'blacklist_keys' );
309 foreach ($fatoptions as $fatoption) :
310 $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET `autoload` = 'no' WHERE option_name = '$fatoption'");
311 endforeach;
315 * Execute WordPress role creation for the various WordPress versions.
316 *
317 * @since 2.0.0
318 */
319function populate_roles() {
320 populate_roles_160();
321 populate_roles_210();
322 populate_roles_230();
323 populate_roles_250();
324 populate_roles_260();
325 populate_roles_270();
329 * Create the roles for WordPress 2.0
330 *
331 * @since 2.0.0
332 */
333function populate_roles_160() {
334 // Add roles
336 // Dummy gettext calls to get strings in the catalog.
337 _c('Administrator|User role');
338 _c('Editor|User role');
339 _c('Author|User role');
340 _c('Contributor|User role');
341 _c('Subscriber|User role');
343 add_role('administrator', 'Administrator|User role');
344 add_role('editor', 'Editor|User role');
345 add_role('author', 'Author|User role');
346 add_role('contributor', 'Contributor|User role');
347 add_role('subscriber', 'Subscriber|User role');
349 // Add caps for Administrator role
350 $role = get_role('administrator');
351 $role->add_cap('switch_themes');
352 $role->add_cap('edit_themes');
353 $role->add_cap('activate_plugins');
354 $role->add_cap('edit_plugins');
355 $role->add_cap('edit_users');
356 $role->add_cap('edit_files');
357 $role->add_cap('manage_options');
358 $role->add_cap('moderate_comments');
359 $role->add_cap('manage_categories');
360 $role->add_cap('manage_links');
361 $role->add_cap('upload_files');
362 $role->add_cap('import');
363 $role->add_cap('unfiltered_html');
364 $role->add_cap('edit_posts');
365 $role->add_cap('edit_others_posts');
366 $role->add_cap('edit_published_posts');
367 $role->add_cap('publish_posts');
368 $role->add_cap('edit_pages');
369 $role->add_cap('read');
370 $role->add_cap('level_10');
371 $role->add_cap('level_9');
372 $role->add_cap('level_8');
373 $role->add_cap('level_7');
374 $role->add_cap('level_6');
375 $role->add_cap('level_5');
376 $role->add_cap('level_4');
377 $role->add_cap('level_3');
378 $role->add_cap('level_2');
379 $role->add_cap('level_1');
380 $role->add_cap('level_0');
382 // Add caps for Editor role
383 $role = get_role('editor');
384 $role->add_cap('moderate_comments');
385 $role->add_cap('manage_categories');
386 $role->add_cap('manage_links');
387 $role->add_cap('upload_files');
388 $role->add_cap('unfiltered_html');
389 $role->add_cap('edit_posts');
390 $role->add_cap('edit_others_posts');
391 $role->add_cap('edit_published_posts');
392 $role->add_cap('publish_posts');
393 $role->add_cap('edit_pages');
394 $role->add_cap('read');
395 $role->add_cap('level_7');
396 $role->add_cap('level_6');
397 $role->add_cap('level_5');
398 $role->add_cap('level_4');
399 $role->add_cap('level_3');
400 $role->add_cap('level_2');
401 $role->add_cap('level_1');
402 $role->add_cap('level_0');
404 // Add caps for Author role
405 $role = get_role('author');
406 $role->add_cap('upload_files');
407 $role->add_cap('edit_posts');
408 $role->add_cap('edit_published_posts');
409 $role->add_cap('publish_posts');
410 $role->add_cap('read');
411 $role->add_cap('level_2');
412 $role->add_cap('level_1');
413 $role->add_cap('level_0');
415 // Add caps for Contributor role
416 $role = get_role('contributor');
417 $role->add_cap('edit_posts');
418 $role->add_cap('read');
419 $role->add_cap('level_1');
420 $role->add_cap('level_0');
422 // Add caps for Subscriber role
423 $role = get_role('subscriber');
424 $role->add_cap('read');
425 $role->add_cap('level_0');
429 * Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.1.
430 *
431 * @since 2.1.0
432 */
433function populate_roles_210() {
434 $roles = array('administrator', 'editor');
435 foreach ($roles as $role) {
436 $role = get_role($role);
437 if ( empty($role) )
438 continue;
440 $role->add_cap('edit_others_pages');
441 $role->add_cap('edit_published_pages');
442 $role->add_cap('publish_pages');
443 $role->add_cap('delete_pages');
444 $role->add_cap('delete_others_pages');
445 $role->add_cap('delete_published_pages');
446 $role->add_cap('delete_posts');
447 $role->add_cap('delete_others_posts');
448 $role->add_cap('delete_published_posts');
449 $role->add_cap('delete_private_posts');
450 $role->add_cap('edit_private_posts');
451 $role->add_cap('read_private_posts');
452 $role->add_cap('delete_private_pages');
453 $role->add_cap('edit_private_pages');
454 $role->add_cap('read_private_pages');
455 }
457 $role = get_role('administrator');
458 if ( ! empty($role) ) {
459 $role->add_cap('delete_users');
460 $role->add_cap('create_users');
461 }
463 $role = get_role('author');
464 if ( ! empty($role) ) {
465 $role->add_cap('delete_posts');
466 $role->add_cap('delete_published_posts');
467 }
469 $role = get_role('contributor');
470 if ( ! empty($role) ) {
471 $role->add_cap('delete_posts');
472 }
476 * Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.3.
477 *
478 * @since 2.3.0
479 */
480function populate_roles_230() {
481 $role = get_role( 'administrator' );
483 if ( !empty( $role ) ) {
484 $role->add_cap( 'unfiltered_upload' );
485 }
489 * Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.5.
490 *
491 * @since 2.5.0
492 */
493function populate_roles_250() {
494 $role = get_role( 'administrator' );
496 if ( !empty( $role ) ) {
497 $role->add_cap( 'edit_dashboard' );
498 }
502 * Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.6.
503 *
504 * @since 2.6.0
505 */
506function populate_roles_260() {
507 $role = get_role( 'administrator' );
509 if ( !empty( $role ) ) {
510 $role->add_cap( 'update_plugins' );
511 $role->add_cap( 'delete_plugins' );
512 }
516 * Create and modify WordPress roles for WordPress 2.7.
517 *
518 * @since 2.7.0
519 */
520function populate_roles_270() {
521 $role = get_role( 'administrator' );
523 if ( !empty( $role ) ) {
524 $role->add_cap( 'install_plugins' );
525 $role->add_cap( 'update_themes' );
526 }