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1;;; Gales Scheme standard library and toplevel
2;;; Includes program loader and READ-EVAL-PRINT loop.
3;;; J. Welsh, 2017-2018
7 ;;; Syntax library (R5RS: 4.2. Derived expression types)
9 (define-syntax and
10 (syntax-rules ()
11 ((and) #t)
12 ((and a) a)
13 ((and a . b) (if a (and . b) #f))))
15 (define-syntax or
16 (syntax-rules ()
17 ((or) #f)
18 ((or a) a)
19 ((or (a . b) . c) (let ((tmp5f920465446f5c2d (a . b)))
20 (if tmp5f920465446f5c2d tmp5f920465446f5c2d
21 (or . c))))
22 ;; ^ The macro machinery ought to rename temporaries automatically, but an "official random number" is adequate because we only need to avoid shadowing free references within C. Further bindings to the same "gensym" within A, B or C do not conflict with the outer one.
23 ((or a . b) (if a a (or . b)))))
25 (define-syntax let*
26 (syntax-rules ()
27 ((let* () body . a) (let () body . a))
28 ((let* ((n v)) body . a) (let ((n v)) body . a))
29 ((let* ((n v) . b) body . a) (let ((n v)) (let* b body . a)))))
31 (define-syntax quasiquote
32 (syntax-rules (unquote unquote-splicing)
33 ((quasiquote (unquote a)) a)
34 ((quasiquote ((unquote-splicing a) . b)) (append a (quasiquote b)))
35 ((quasiquote (a . b)) (cons (quasiquote a) (quasiquote b)))
36 ;((quasiquote #(a ...)) (vector (quasiquote a) ...))
37 ((quasiquote a) (quote a))))
39 (define-syntax cond
40 (syntax-rules (else =>)
41 ((cond (else a . b)) (begin a . b))
42 ((cond (t => r)) (let ((tmp5f920465446f5c2d t))
43 (if tmp5f920465446f5c2d (r tmp5f920465446f5c2d))))
44 ((cond (t => r) . c) (let ((tmp5f920465446f5c2d t))
45 (if tmp5f920465446f5c2d (r tmp5f920465446f5c2d)
46 (cond . c))))
47 ;; return unspecified when no tests pass
48 ((cond (t)) (or t '()))
49 ((cond (t) . c) (or t (cond . c)))
50 ((cond (t a . b)) (if t (begin a . b)))
51 ((cond (t a . b) . c) (if t (begin a . b) (cond . c)))))
53 (define-syntax case
54 (syntax-rules (else)
55 ((case (a . b) c . d) (let ((tmp5f920465446f5c2d (a . b)))
56 (case tmp5f920465446f5c2d c . d)))
57 ((case k (else a . b)) (begin a . b))
58 ;; return unspecified when no tests pass
59 ((case k (() a . b)) '())
60 ((case k (() a . b) c . d) (case k c . d))
61 ((case k ((s) a . b)) (if (eqv? k 's) (begin a . b)))
62 ((case k ((s) a . b) c . d) (if (eqv? k 's) (begin a . b)
63 (case k c . d)))
64 ((case k ((s . t) a . b)) (if (memv k '(s . t)) (begin a . b)))
65 ((case k ((s . t) a . b) c . d) (if (memv k '(s . t)) (begin a . b)
66 (case k c . d)))))
68 ;; SRFI 8
69 (define-syntax receive
70 (syntax-rules ()
71 ((receive names expr body . a)
72 (call-with-values (lambda () expr) (lambda names body . a)))))
74 ;;; Toplevel
76 (let ((prompt "GSCM> ")
77 (result-prefix " => ")
78 (*args* (eval '*args* (interaction-environment)))
79 (intr-env (interaction-environment))
80 (error-cont #f)
81 (exit-cont #f)
82 (repl-cont #f)
83 (error-handler #f)
84 (trace-ring-length 8))
86 ;;; Various constants
87 ;; Inexact number and named char literals unsupported in bootstrap reader
88 (define flo-1 (flonum/unchecked -1))
89 (define flo0 (flonum/unchecked 0))
90 (define flo1 (flonum/unchecked 1))
91 (define flo2 (flonum/unchecked 2))
92 (define flo10 (flonum/unchecked 10))
93 (define flo1/10 (flodiv/unchecked (flonum/unchecked 1)
94 (flonum/unchecked 10)))
95 (define flo-log-10 (log/unchecked (flonum/unchecked 10)))
96 (define nl (integer->char 10))
97 (define sp (integer->char 32))
99 (define *fixnum-width*-1 (fx-/unchecked *fixnum-width* 1))
101 ;;; Tracing
102 ;; When a library procedure is called externally, its name is recorded in a circular log structure. On error, this is copied to a proper list and passed to the handler. Crude, perhaps, but fairly effective. (Errors signalled by builtins already include the builtin name in the message.)
103 (define trace-ring
104 (let ((head (cons #f '())))
105 (do ((p head (cons #f p))
106 (k 1 (fx+/wrap k 1)))
107 ((fx= k trace-ring-length) (set-cdr! head p) head))))
109 (define (clear-trace-ring)
110 (do ((p trace-ring (cdr p))
111 (k 0 (fx+/wrap k 1)))
112 ((fx= k trace-ring-length))
113 (set-car! p #f)))
115 (define (get-trace-log)
116 (do ((p trace-ring (cdr p))
117 (acc '() (if (car p) (cons (car p) acc) acc))
118 (k 0 (fx+/wrap k 1)))
119 ((fx= k trace-ring-length) (reverse acc))))
121 (define (trace . args)
122 (set-car/unchecked! trace-ring args)
123 (set! trace-ring (cdr/unchecked trace-ring)))
125 (define (traced-procedure name proc)
126 (lambda args (trace name) (apply/unchecked proc args)))
128 (define (define-traced injector name proc)
129 (injector name (traced-procedure name proc)))
131 (define (write-line val) (write val) (newline))
133 (define (print-error message args trace-log)
134 (display "ERROR: ")
135 (display message)
136 (for-each (lambda (arg) (write-char sp) (write arg)) args)
137 (newline)
138 (display "Trace log: ")
139 (write-line trace-log))
141 (define (repl)
142 (clear-trace-ring)
143 (display prompt)
144 (flush-output-port)
145 (let ((expr (read)))
146 (if (eof-object? expr) (newline)
147 (receive vals (eval expr intr-env)
148 (for-each (lambda (val)
149 (display result-prefix)
150 (write-line val)) vals)
151 (flush-output-port)
152 (repl)))))
154 (define (repl-error message args trace-log)
155 (print-error message args trace-log)
156 (repl-cont '()))
158 (define (exec-from-port p)
159 (do ((expr (read p) (read p))
160 (acc '() (cons expr acc)))
161 ((eof-object? expr)
162 (close-input-port p)
163 (for-each (lambda (expr) (eval expr intr-env))
164 (reverse acc)))))
166 (define (not-integer x) (error "not an integer:" x))
167 (define (not-list) (error "not a list"))
168 (define (not-number x) (error "not a number:" x))
169 (define (not-exact-int x) (error "not an exact integer:" x))
170 (define (not-output-port x) (error "not an output port:" x))
171 (define (not-procedure x) (error "not a procedure:" x))
173 (define (too-many-args) (error "too many arguments"))
174 (define (zero-divisor) (error "zero divisor"))
175 (define (bad-radix x) (error "invalid radix:" x))
176 (define (uneven-lists) (error "uneven lists"))
178 (define (require-integer n) (if (integer? n) n (not-integer n)))
179 (define (require-procedure p) (if (procedure? p) p (not-procedure p)))
181 (define (check-exact-non-negative-int k)
182 (if (cond ((fixnum? k) (fxnegative/unchecked? k))
183 ((bignum? k) (bignum-negative? k))
184 (else #t))
185 (error "not an exact non-negative integer:" k)))
187 (define (foldl f)
188 ;; type-safe but doesn't detect improper or cyclic list
189 (define (loop accum l)
190 (if (pair? l) (loop (f accum (car/unchecked l))
191 (cdr/unchecked l))
192 accum))
193 loop)
195 (define (all pred)
196 ;; type-safe but doesn't detect improper or cyclic list
197 (define (loop l)
198 (if (pair? l) (and (pred (car/unchecked l))
199 (loop (cdr/unchecked l)))
200 #t))
201 loop)
203 (define (all-pairwise pred)
204 ;; type-safe but doesn't detect improper or cyclic list
205 (define (loop a b l)
206 (and (pred a b)
207 (if (pair? l) (loop b (car/unchecked l) (cdr/unchecked l))
208 #t)))
209 loop)
211 ;; not tail recursive
212 (define (map1 proc)
213 ;; type-safe but doesn't detect improper or cyclic list
214 (define (loop l)
215 (if (pair? l)
216 (cons (proc (car/unchecked l))
217 (loop (cdr/unchecked l)))
218 l))
219 loop)
221 (define (copy-list l)
222 (define r (list '()))
223 (define (loop tail l)
224 (cond ((pair? l) (set-cdr/unchecked! tail (cons (car/unchecked l) '()))
225 (loop (cdr/unchecked tail) (cdr/unchecked l)))
226 ((null? l) (cdr/unchecked r))
227 (else (not-list))))
228 (loop r l))
230 (define (append2 x y)
231 (define r (list '()))
232 (define (loop tail x)
233 (cond ((pair? x) (set-cdr/unchecked! tail (cons (car/unchecked x) '()))
234 (loop (cdr/unchecked tail) (cdr/unchecked x)))
235 ((null? x) (set-cdr/unchecked! tail y)
236 (cdr/unchecked r))
237 (else (not-list))))
238 (loop r x))
240 (define (saving-values thunk after)
241 (call-with-values thunk
242 (lambda results
243 (after)
244 (apply/unchecked values results))))
246 (define (opt-args args . defaults)
247 (let loop ((acc '()) (args args) (defaults defaults))
248 (if (pair? defaults)
249 (if (pair? args)
250 (loop (cons (car/unchecked args) acc)
251 (cdr/unchecked args) (cdr/unchecked defaults))
252 (loop (cons (car/unchecked defaults) acc)
253 '() (cdr/unchecked defaults)))
254 (if (pair? args) (too-many-args)
255 (apply/unchecked values (reverse acc))))))
257 (define (first a . args) a)
258 (define (second a b . args) b)
260 (define (fxquotient/unsigned/unchecked a b)
261 (call-with-values (lambda () (fxdiv/unsigned/unchecked a b)) first))
263 (define (fxremainder/unsigned/unchecked a b)
264 (call-with-values (lambda () (fxdiv/unsigned/unchecked a b)) second))
266 (define (fxquotient/ext/unsigned/unchecked al ah b)
267 (call-with-values
268 (lambda () (fxdiv/ext/unsigned/unchecked al ah b)) first))
270 ;;; Bignums
271 ;;
272 ;; Bignums are represented in a tagged sign-magnitude form. (I first tried two's complement but got stuck on efficient multiplication.) The magnitude is a vector of one or more fixnum words, least significant first. Bignums are normalized to drop trailing zeros or demoted to fixnum when possible. Words are considered unsigned, thus may appear negative to ordinary (signed) fixnum operations.
273 ;;
274 ;; Privileged primitives are as follows. Unless specified, all might omit type checks, and most internal bignum procedures inherit this!
275 ;;
276 ;; (MAKE-BIGNUM K) => bignum of K words
277 ;; Fixnum K is checked against the largest possible size, if any. The words may be uninitialized.
278 ;; (BIGNUM? OBJ) => boolean
279 ;; (BIGNUM-NEGATIVE? BN) => boolean
281 ;; (BIGNUM-REF BN K) => word K of BN
282 ;; (BIGNUM-SET! BN K V) => unspecified, updating word K of BN to fixnum V
283 ;; (BIGNUM-LENGTH BN) => fixnum
284 ;; (BIGNUM N) => bignum of one word (not demoting)
285 ;; Constructs bignum with the value of N (signed).
286 ;; (BIGNUM/UNSIGNED N) => bignum of one word (not demoting)
287 ;; Constructs bignum with single word N
288 ;; (BIGNUM2 LO HI) => fixnum or bignum of one or two words
289 ;; Constructs bignum, demoting, from double-width signed value represented in two's complement by fixnums LO and HI.
290 ;; (BIGNUM-TRUNCATE! BN K) => bignum (not demoting)
291 ;; Returns truncation of BN to K words, possibly in-place.
293 (define (fx+/promote a b)
294 (call-with-values (lambda () (fx+/carry a b)) bignum2))
296 (define (fx*/promote a b)
297 (call-with-values (lambda () (fx*/carry a b)) bignum2))
299 (define (fxneg/promote n)
300 (if (fx=/unchecked n *least-fixnum*) (bignum/unsigned n)
301 (fxneg/unchecked n)))
303 (define (fxquotient/promote/unchecked a b)
304 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? b)
305 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? a)
306 (let ((q (fxquotient/unsigned/unchecked (fxneg/unchecked a)
307 (fxneg/unchecked b))))
308 (if (fx=/unchecked q *least-fixnum*) (bignum/unsigned q) q))
309 (fxneg/unchecked (fxquotient/unsigned/unchecked
310 a (fxneg/unchecked b))))
311 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? a)
312 (fxneg/unchecked (fxquotient/unsigned/unchecked
313 (fxneg/unchecked a) b))
314 (fxquotient/unsigned/unchecked a b))))
316 (define (fxremainder/unchecked a b)
317 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? b)
318 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? a)
319 (fxneg/unchecked (fxremainder/unsigned/unchecked
320 (fxneg/unchecked a) (fxneg/unchecked b)))
321 (fxremainder/unsigned/unchecked a (fxneg/unchecked b)))
322 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? a)
323 (fxneg/unchecked (fxremainder/unsigned/unchecked
324 (fxneg/unchecked a) b))
325 (fxremainder/unsigned/unchecked a b))))
327 (define (bnneg n)
328 (let ((len (bignum-length n)))
329 (define r (make-bignum len))
330 (define (copy k)
331 (bignum-set! r k (bignum-ref n k))
332 (if (fx=/unchecked k 0) r (copy (fx-/unchecked k 1))))
333 (if (bignum-negative? n) (copy (fx-/unchecked len 1))
334 (if (and (fx=/unchecked len 1)
335 (fx=/unchecked (bignum-ref n 0) *least-fixnum*))
336 *least-fixnum*
337 (bignum-set-negative! (copy (fx-/unchecked len 1)))))))
339 (define (bignum-normalize! n)
340 (let loop ((k (fx-/unchecked (bignum-length n) 1)))
341 (cond ((fx=/unchecked k 0)
342 (let ((lo (bignum-ref n 0)))
343 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? lo)
344 ;; high bit set: fits in signed fixnum in singular case
345 (if (and (bignum-negative? n)
346 (fx=/unchecked lo *least-fixnum*)) lo
347 (bignum-truncate! n 1))
348 ;; high bit clear: always fits in signed fixnum
349 (if (bignum-negative? n) (fxneg/unchecked lo) lo))))
350 ((fx=/unchecked (bignum-ref n k) 0) (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)))
351 (else (bignum-truncate! n (fx+/unchecked k 1))))))
353 (define (bignum-bit-stream n)
354 (define nwords (bignum-length n))
355 (define (loop word seen-words bits-left)
356 (if (fx=/unchecked bits-left 0)
357 (if (fx=/unchecked seen-words nwords) '()
358 (loop (bignum-ref n seen-words) (fx+/unchecked seen-words 1)
359 *fixnum-width*))
360 (cons (fxand word 1)
361 (delay (loop (fxshift word -1) seen-words
362 (fx-/unchecked bits-left 1))))))
363 (loop (bignum-ref n 0) 1 *fixnum-width*))
365 (define stream-head car)
366 (define (stream-tail s) (force (cdr s)))
368 (define (bn< a b)
369 (if (bignum-negative? a)
370 (if (bignum-negative? b)
371 (fxnegative/unchecked? (bncompare/unsigned b a))
372 #t)
373 (if (bignum-negative? b)
374 #f
375 (fxnegative/unchecked? (bncompare/unsigned a b)))))
377 (define (bncompare/unsigned a b)
378 (let ((alen (bignum-length a))
379 (blen (bignum-length b)))
380 (cond ((fx=/unchecked alen blen)
381 (let loop ((k (fx-/unchecked alen 1)))
382 (if (fx=/unchecked k -1) 0
383 (let ((ak (bignum-ref a k))
384 (bk (bignum-ref b k)))
385 (cond ((fx=/unchecked ak bk) (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)))
386 ((fx</unsigned ak bk) -1)
387 (else 1))))))
388 ((fx</unsigned alen blen) -1)
389 (else 1))))
391 (define (bn= a b)
392 (and (eq? (bignum-negative? a) (bignum-negative? b))
393 (let ((len (bignum-length a)))
394 (and (fx=/unchecked len (bignum-length b))
395 (let loop ((k (fx-/unchecked len 1)))
396 (if (fx=/unchecked k -1) #t
397 (and (fx=/unchecked (bignum-ref a k) (bignum-ref b k))
398 (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)))))))))
400 (define (bn+ a b)
401 (bignum-normalize!
402 (if (bignum-negative? a)
403 (if (bignum-negative? b)
404 (bignum-set-negative! (bn+/unsigned a b))
405 (bn-/unsigned b a))
406 (if (bignum-negative? b)
407 (bn-/unsigned a b)
408 (bn+/unsigned a b)))))
410 (define (bn+/unsigned a b)
411 (if (fx</unsigned (bignum-length a) (bignum-length b))
412 (bn+/ordered b a)
413 (bn+/ordered a b)))
415 (define (bn+/ordered long short)
416 (let ((llen (bignum-length long))
417 (slen (bignum-length short))
418 (r (make-bignum (fx+/unchecked (bignum-length long) 1)))
419 (carry-in 0))
420 (do ((k 0 (fx+/unchecked k 1))) ((fx=/unchecked k slen))
421 (receive (sum carry-out) (fx+/carry-unsigned (bignum-ref long k)
422 (bignum-ref short k)
423 carry-in)
424 (bignum-set! r k sum)
425 (set! carry-in carry-out)))
426 (do ((k slen (fx+/unchecked k 1))) ((fx=/unchecked k llen))
427 (receive (sum carry-out) (fx+/carry-unsigned (bignum-ref long k)
428 carry-in)
429 (bignum-set! r k sum)
430 (set! carry-in carry-out)))
431 (bignum-set! r llen carry-in)
432 r))
434 (define (bn- a b)
435 (bignum-normalize!
436 (if (bignum-negative? a)
437 (if (bignum-negative? b)
438 (bn-/unsigned b a)
439 (bignum-set-negative! (bn+/unsigned a b)))
440 (if (bignum-negative? b)
441 (bn+/unsigned a b)
442 (bn-/unsigned a b)))))
444 (define (bn-/unsigned a b)
445 (let ((d (bncompare/unsigned a b)))
446 (cond ((fxnegative/unchecked? d)
447 (bignum-set-negative! (bn-/ordered b a)))
448 ((fx=/unchecked d 0) (bignum/unsigned 0))
449 (else (bn-/ordered a b)))))
451 (define (bn-/ordered large small)
452 (let ((llen (bignum-length large))
453 (slen (bignum-length small))
454 (r (make-bignum (bignum-length large)))
455 (borrow-in 0))
456 (do ((k 0 (fx+/unchecked k 1))) ((fx=/unchecked k slen))
457 (receive (diff borrow-out) (fx-/borrow-unsigned (bignum-ref large k)
458 (bignum-ref small k)
459 borrow-in)
460 (bignum-set! r k diff)
461 (set! borrow-in borrow-out)))
462 (do ((k slen (fx+/unchecked k 1))) ((fx=/unchecked k llen))
463 (receive (diff borrow-out) (fx-/borrow-unsigned (bignum-ref large k)
464 borrow-in)
465 (bignum-set! r k diff)
466 (set! borrow-in borrow-out)))
467 r))
469 (define (bn* a b)
470 (bignum-normalize!
471 (if (eq? (bignum-negative? a) (bignum-negative? b))
472 (bn*/unsigned a b)
473 (bignum-set-negative! (bn*/unsigned a b)))))
475 (define (bn*/unsigned a b)
476 (if (fx</unsigned (bignum-length a) (bignum-length b))
477 (bn*/comba b a)
478 (bn*/comba a b)))
480 ;; Comba's algorithm: base case (quadratic) multiply that avoids excess carrying and temporary allocation by proceeding column-wise.
481 (define (bn*/comba long short)
482 (define llen (bignum-length long))
483 (define slen (bignum-length short))
484 (define rlen #f)
485 (define r #f)
486 ;; Intra-column accumulator / inter-column carry. Three words are enough as at most SLEN two-word terms are summed, and SLEN fits in a word.
487 (define acc0 0)
488 (define acc1 0)
489 (define acc2 0)
490 (define (column col start stop)
491 (do ((k start (fx+/unchecked k 1))) ((fx=/unchecked k stop))
492 (receive (lo hi) (fx*/carry-unsigned
493 (bignum-ref long (fx-/unchecked col k))
494 (bignum-ref short k))
495 (receive (sum c) (fx+/carry-unsigned acc0 lo)
496 (set! acc0 sum)
497 (receive (sum c) (fx+/carry-unsigned acc1 hi c)
498 (set! acc1 sum)
499 (set! acc2 (fx+/unchecked acc2 c))))))
500 (bignum-set! r col acc0)
501 ;; down-shift for carry-in to the next column
502 (set! acc0 acc1)
503 (set! acc1 acc2)
504 (set! acc2 0))
505 (define (loop-lo col)
506 (if (fx=/unchecked col slen) (loop-mid col)
507 (let ((col+1 (fx+/unchecked col 1)))
508 (column col 0 col+1)
509 (loop-lo col+1))))
510 (define (loop-mid col) ;; for when lengths differ
511 (if (fx=/unchecked col llen) (loop-hi col)
512 (begin (column col 0 slen)
513 (loop-mid (fx+/unchecked col 1)))))
514 (define (loop-hi col)
515 (if (fx=/unchecked col rlen) r
516 (let ((col+1 (fx+/unchecked col 1)))
517 (column col (fx-/unchecked col+1 llen) slen)
518 (loop-hi col+1))))
519 (set! rlen (fx+/unchecked llen slen))
520 (set! r (make-bignum rlen))
521 (loop-lo 0))
523 ;; High-radix restoring division: Algorithm 1.6 BasecaseDivRem from Richard P. Brent and Paul Zimmerman, "Modern Computer Arithmetic", 2010.
524 (define (bndiv A B)
525 (define n (bignum-length B)) ;; divisor length
526 (define m #f) ;; dividend-divisor length difference
527 (define Bn-1 #f) ;; high word of divisor
528 (define norm-shift #f) ;; bit shift for normalization step
529 (define Q #f) ;; quotient of m+1 words
530 (define j #f) ;; index of quotient word being computed
531 (define Qj #f) ;; guessed quotient word
532 (define n+j #f) ;; index of high word of reduced divisor
533 (define QjB #f) ;; product of divisor by guessed quotient word
535 ;; Specialized scalar multiply, shifted comparison, shifted subtract-in-place, and sub-word shift operations for performance.
536 (define (mul-Qj k carry)
537 (if (fx=/unchecked k n) (bignum-set! QjB k carry)
538 (receive (prod-lo prod-hi) (fx*/carry-unsigned (bignum-ref B k) Qj)
539 (receive (sum carry) (fx+/carry-unsigned prod-lo carry)
540 (bignum-set! QjB k sum)
541 (mul-Qj (fx+/unchecked k 1)
542 (fx+/unchecked prod-hi carry))))))
543 (define (A< X shift)
544 (let loop ((k (fx-/unchecked (bignum-length X) 1)))
545 (if (fx=/unchecked k -1) #f
546 (let ((Ak+shift (bignum-ref A (fx+/unchecked k shift)))
547 (Xk (bignum-ref X k)))
548 (cond ((fx</unsigned Ak+shift Xk) #t)
549 ((fx=/unchecked Ak+shift Xk) (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)))
550 (else #f))))))
551 (define (sub-in-place X Y shift)
552 (define len (bignum-length Y))
553 (define k 0)
554 (define k+shift shift)
555 (define (loop borrow)
556 (if (fx=/unchecked k len)
557 (if (fx=/unchecked borrow 1)
558 (let ((Xk+shift (bignum-ref X k+shift)))
559 (if (fx=/unchecked Xk+shift 0)
560 (error "BUG: sub-in-place underflow"))
561 (bignum-set! X k+shift (fx-/unchecked Xk+shift 1))))
562 (receive (diff borrow) (fx-/borrow-unsigned
563 (bignum-ref X k+shift)
564 (bignum-ref Y k)
565 borrow)
566 (bignum-set! X k+shift diff)
567 (set! k (fx+/unchecked k 1))
568 (set! k+shift (fx+/unchecked k+shift 1))
569 (loop borrow))))
570 (loop 0))
571 (define (shift-up X)
572 (define r (make-bignum (fx+/unchecked (bignum-length X) 1)))
573 (define len (bignum-length X))
574 (define complement (fx-/unchecked norm-shift *fixnum-width*))
575 (define k 0)
576 (define carry 0)
577 (define (loop)
578 (if (fx=/unchecked k len)
579 (if (fx=/unchecked carry 0) (bignum-truncate! r len)
580 (begin (bignum-set! r k carry) r))
581 (let ((word (bignum-ref X k)))
582 (bignum-set! r k (fxior carry (fxshift/unsigned word
583 norm-shift)))
584 (set! carry (fxshift/unsigned word complement))
585 (set! k (fx+/unchecked k 1))
586 (loop))))
587 (loop))
588 (define (shift-down-in-place X)
589 (define neg-bits (fxneg/unchecked norm-shift))
590 (define complement (fx-/unchecked *fixnum-width* norm-shift))
591 (define k (fx-/unchecked (bignum-length X) 1))
592 (define carry 0)
593 (define (loop)
594 (if (fx=/unchecked k -1) '()
595 (let ((word (bignum-ref X k)))
596 (bignum-set! X k (fxior carry (fxshift/unsigned word
597 neg-bits)))
598 (set! carry (fxshift/unsigned word complement))
599 (set! k (fx-/unchecked k 1))
600 (loop))))
601 (loop))
603 ;; Long division proper
604 (define (loop-j)
605 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? j) '()
606 (begin (set! n+j (fx+/unchecked n j))
607 (set! Qj (if (fx<=/unsigned Bn-1 (bignum-ref A n+j)) -1
608 ;; ^ I think the < case is impossible
609 (fxquotient/ext/unsigned/unchecked
610 (bignum-ref A (fx+/unchecked n+j -1))
611 (bignum-ref A n+j)
612 Bn-1)))
613 (mul-Qj 0 0)
614 (check-Qj))))
615 (define (check-Qj)
616 (if (A< QjB j)
617 (begin (set! Qj (fx-/unchecked Qj 1))
618 (sub-in-place QjB B 0)
619 (check-Qj))
620 (begin (bignum-set! Q j Qj)
621 (sub-in-place A QjB j)
622 (if (not (fx=/unchecked (bignum-ref A n+j) 0))
623 (error "BUG: remainder not reduced"))
624 (set! j (fx-/unchecked j 1))
625 (loop-j))))
627 ;; Normalize: scale inputs so high bit of divisor is 1
628 (set! norm-shift (fx-/unchecked *fixnum-width*
629 (fxlength/unsigned
630 (bignum-ref B (fx-/unchecked n 1)))))
631 (if (fx=/unchecked norm-shift *fixnum-width*) (zero-divisor))
632 (set! A (shift-up A)) ;; copying A enables mutation
633 (set! B (shift-up B))
634 (set! Bn-1 (bignum-ref B (fx-/unchecked n 1)))
636 (set! m (fx-/unchecked (bignum-length A) n))
637 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? m) (set! Q (bignum/unsigned 0))
638 (begin (set! Q (make-bignum (fx+/unchecked m 1)))
639 (if (not (eq? (bignum-negative? A) (bignum-negative? B)))
640 (bignum-set-negative! Q))
641 (if (A< B m) (bignum-set! Q m 0)
642 (begin (bignum-set! Q m 1)
643 (sub-in-place A B m)))
644 (set! QjB (make-bignum (fx+/unchecked n 1)))
645 (set! j (fx-/unchecked m 1))
646 (loop-j)
647 ;; save looping over leading zeros, assuming truncate-in-place
648 (bignum-truncate! A n)))
649 (shift-down-in-place A)
650 (values (bignum-normalize! Q) (bignum-normalize! A)))
652 (define (bnquotient a b)
653 (call-with-values (lambda () (bndiv a b)) first))
655 (define (bnremainder a b)
656 (call-with-values (lambda () (bndiv a b)) second))
658 (define flo-bn-radix (delay (flo*/unchecked flo2 (flonum/unsigned/unchecked
659 *least-fixnum*))))
660 (define flo-log-bn-radix (delay (log/unchecked flo-bn-radix)))
662 (define (bignum->flonum n)
663 (define len (bignum-length n))
664 (define (loop k acc bits)
665 (cond ((fx=/unchecked k -1) acc)
666 ((fx<=/unchecked 53 bits) ;; significant bits in IEEE 754 double
667 ;; TODO use LOAD-EXPONENT/UNCHECKED, but beware of fixnum overflow in computing exponent
668 (flo*/unchecked
669 acc (exp/unchecked (flo*/unchecked
670 (flonum/unchecked (fx+/unchecked k 1))
671 flo-log-bn-radix))))
672 (else (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)
673 (flo+/unchecked (flo*/unchecked acc flo-bn-radix)
674 (flonum/unsigned/unchecked
675 (bignum-ref n k)))
676 (fx+/unchecked bits *fixnum-width*)))))
677 (let ((r (loop (fx-/unchecked len 2)
678 (flonum/unsigned/unchecked
679 (bignum-ref n (fx-/unchecked len 1)))
680 1))) ;; high word might only have one significant bit
681 (if (bignum-negative? n) (floneg/unchecked r) r)))
683 ;; Convert nonzero bignum to minimal list of digits in a smaller power-of-two radix, least significant first, "reflowing" in linear time.
684 (define (bignum->digits n bits)
685 (define len (bignum-length n))
686 (define mask (fx-/unchecked (fxshift 1 bits) 1))
687 (define acc '())
688 (define (push! digit)
689 (set! acc (cons (fxand mask digit) acc)))
690 (define (loop word bit)
691 (if (fx</unchecked word len)
692 (let ((low-bits (fxshift/unsigned (bignum-ref n word)
693 (fxneg/unchecked bit)))
694 (next-bit (fx+/unchecked bit bits))
695 (next-word (fx+/unchecked word 1)))
696 (if (fx</unchecked *fixnum-width* next-bit)
697 ;; Join slices from adjacent words...
698 (if (fx</unchecked next-word len)
699 (begin (push! (fxior low-bits
700 (fxshift (bignum-ref n next-word)
701 (fx-/unchecked
702 *fixnum-width* bit))))
703 (loop next-word (fx-/unchecked
704 next-bit *fixnum-width*)))
705 ;; unless this is the last word...
706 (push! low-bits))
707 ;; or digit is entirely in the current word.
708 (begin (push! low-bits)
709 (if (fx=/unchecked next-bit *fixnum-width*)
710 (loop next-word 0)
711 (loop word next-bit)))))))
712 (loop 0 0)
713 ;; Strip leading zeros
714 (do ((acc acc (cdr/unchecked acc)))
715 ((fx</unsigned 0 (car/unchecked acc)) (reverse acc))))
717 (define (extend-padded acc chunk width)
718 (cons (make-string (fx-/unchecked width (string-length chunk)) #\0)
719 (cons chunk acc)))
721 (define (press-num-string neg chunks)
722 (apply/unchecked string-append (if neg (cons "-" chunks) chunks)))
724 (define dec-chunk-digits (delay (quotient (* *fixnum-width*-1 3) 10)))
725 (define dec-chunk-radix (delay (bignum (expt 10 dec-chunk-digits))))
727 (define (bignum->dec n)
728 ;; Quadratic (repeated division by fixnum constant)
729 (define (loop acc n)
730 (cond ((bignum? n)
731 (receive (q r) (bndiv n dec-chunk-radix)
732 (loop (extend-padded acc (fixnum->dec/unchecked r)
733 dec-chunk-digits)
734 q)))
735 ((fx=/unchecked n 0) acc)
736 (else (cons (fixnum->dec/unchecked n) acc))))
737 (let ((neg (bignum-negative? n)))
738 (press-num-string neg (loop '() (if neg (bnneg n) n)))))
740 (define hex-chunk-digits (delay (quotient *fixnum-width*-1 4)))
741 (define hex-chunk-bits (delay (* hex-chunk-digits 4)))
743 (define (bignum->hex n)
744 (do ((digits (bignum->digits n hex-chunk-bits) (cdr/unchecked digits))
745 (acc '() (extend-padded
746 acc (fixnum->hex/unchecked (car/unchecked digits))
747 hex-chunk-digits)))
748 ((null? (cdr/unchecked digits))
749 (press-num-string
750 (bignum-negative? n)
751 (cons (fixnum->hex/unchecked (car/unchecked digits)) acc)))))
753 (define oct-chunk-digits (delay (quotient *fixnum-width*-1 3)))
754 (define oct-chunk-bits (delay (fx*/wrap 3 oct-chunk-digits)))
756 (define (bignum->oct n)
757 (do ((digits (bignum->digits n oct-chunk-bits) (cdr/unchecked digits))
758 (acc '() (extend-padded
759 acc (fixnum->oct/unchecked (car/unchecked digits))
760 oct-chunk-digits)))
761 ((null? (cdr/unchecked digits))
762 (press-num-string
763 (bignum-negative? n)
764 (cons (fixnum->oct/unchecked (car/unchecked digits)) acc)))))
766 (define (bignum->bin n)
767 (define len-1 (fx-/unchecked (bignum-length n) 1))
768 (define (loop k acc)
769 (if (fx=/unchecked k len-1)
770 (cons (fixnum->bin/unsigned/unchecked (bignum-ref n k)) acc)
771 (loop (fx+/unchecked k 1)
772 (extend-padded acc (fixnum->bin/unsigned/unchecked
773 (bignum-ref n k))
774 *fixnum-width*))))
775 (press-num-string (bignum-negative? n) (loop 0 '())))
777 ;;; Procedure library
779 ;;; 6.1 Equivalence predicates
781 (define (eqv? a b)
782 (cond ((eq? a b) #t)
783 ;; char and fixnum covered by EQ? (implementation dependent)
784 ((bignum? a) (and (bignum? b) (bn= a b)))
785 ;; exactness must match
786 ((flonum? a) (and (flonum? b) (flo=/unchecked a b)))
787 (else #f)))
789 (define (vector=? a b)
790 (define len (vector-length a))
791 (define (loop k)
792 (if (fx=/unchecked k len) #t
793 (and (equal? (vector-ref/unchecked a k) (vector-ref/unchecked b k))
794 (loop (fx+/unchecked k 1)))))
795 (and (fx=/unchecked len (vector-length b))
796 (loop 0)))
798 (define (equal? a b)
799 (cond ((eqv? a b) #t)
800 ((pair? a) (and (pair? b)
801 (equal? (car/unchecked a) (car/unchecked b))
802 (equal? (cdr/unchecked a) (cdr/unchecked b))))
803 ((vector? a) (and (vector? b) (vector=? a b)))
804 ((string? a) (and (string? b) (string=? a b)))
805 (else #f)))
807 ;;; 6.2.5 Numerical operations
809 (define (exp10/flonum x)
810 (exp/unchecked (flo*/unchecked flo-log-10 x)))
812 ;; For comparisons of mixed exactness to be transitive, arguments must not be converted inexactly (e.g. "promoting" to flonum) if this could cause the result to differ from a true comparison of the represented values.
814 (define (=/mixed flonum exact-int)
815 (and (integer? flonum)
816 (not (inf/unchecked? flonum))
817 (=/generic (inexact->exact flonum) exact-int)))
819 (define (</mixed flonum exact-int)
820 (if (inf/unchecked? flonum) (flonegative/unchecked? flonum)
821 (</generic (inexact->exact (floor/unchecked flonum)) exact-int)))
823 (define (>/mixed flonum exact-int)
824 (if (inf/unchecked? flonum) (not (flonegative/unchecked? flonum))
825 (>/generic (inexact->exact (ceiling/unchecked flonum)) exact-int)))
827 (define (<=/mixed flonum exact-int)
828 (if (inf/unchecked? flonum) (flonegative/unchecked? flonum)
829 (<=/generic (inexact->exact (ceiling/unchecked flonum)) exact-int)))
831 (define (>=/mixed flonum exact-int)
832 (if (inf/unchecked? flonum) (not (flonegative/unchecked? flonum))
833 (>=/generic (inexact->exact (floor/unchecked flonum)) exact-int)))
835 ;; The convention for 2-arg generics is to dispatch on the type of the second argument first, as some operations (subtraction, division) do special things based on it but not the first.
837 (define (=/fixnum z fx)
838 (cond ((fixnum? z) (fx=/unchecked z fx))
839 ((bignum? z) #f) ;; assuming demotion
840 ((flonum? z) (=/mixed z fx))
841 (else (not-number z))))
843 (define (</fixnum x fx)
844 (cond ((fixnum? x) (fx</unchecked x fx))
845 ((bignum? x) (bignum-negative? x)) ;; assuming demotion
846 ((flonum? x) (</mixed x fx))
847 (else (not-number x))))
849 (define (<=/fixnum x fx)
850 (cond ((fixnum? x) (fx<=/unchecked x fx))
851 ((bignum? x) (bignum-negative? x)) ;; assuming demotion
852 ((flonum? x) (<=/mixed x fx))
853 (else (not-number x))))
855 (define (=/bignum z bn)
856 (cond ((fixnum? z) #f) ;; assuming demotion
857 ((bignum? z) (bn= z bn))
858 ((flonum? z) (=/mixed z bn))
859 (else (not-number z))))
861 (define (</bignum x bn)
862 (cond ((fixnum? x) (not (bignum-negative? bn))) ;; assuming demotion
863 ((bignum? x) (bn< x bn))
864 ((flonum? x) (</mixed x bn))
865 (else (not-number x))))
867 (define (<=/bignum x bn)
868 (cond ((fixnum? x) (not (bignum-negative? bn))) ;; assuming demotion
869 ((bignum? x) (not (bn< bn x))) ;; reversing
870 ((flonum? x) (<=/mixed x bn))
871 (else (not-number x))))
873 (define (=/flonum z fl)
874 (cond ((flonum? z) (flo=/unchecked z fl))
875 ((integer? z) (=/mixed fl z)) ;; reversing
876 (else (not-number z))))
878 (define (</flonum x fl)
879 (cond ((flonum? x) (flo</unchecked x fl))
880 ((integer? x) (>/mixed fl x)) ;; reversing
881 (else (not-number x))))
883 (define (<=/flonum x fl)
884 (cond ((flonum? x) (flo<=/unchecked x fl))
885 ((integer? x) (>=/mixed fl x)) ;; reversing
886 (else (not-number x))))
888 (define (=/generic z1 z2)
889 (cond ((fixnum? z2) (=/fixnum z1 z2))
890 ((bignum? z2) (=/bignum z1 z2))
891 ((flonum? z2) (=/flonum z1 z2))
892 (else (not-number z2))))
894 (define (</generic x1 x2)
895 (cond ((fixnum? x2) (</fixnum x1 x2))
896 ((bignum? x2) (</bignum x1 x2))
897 ((flonum? x2) (</flonum x1 x2))
898 (else (not-number x2))))
900 (define (>/generic x1 x2) ;; reversing dispatch order
901 (cond ((fixnum? x1) (</fixnum x2 x1))
902 ((bignum? x1) (</bignum x2 x1))
903 ((flonum? x1) (</flonum x2 x1))
904 (else (not-number x1))))
906 (define (<=/generic x1 x2)
907 (cond ((fixnum? x2) (<=/fixnum x1 x2))
908 ((bignum? x2) (<=/bignum x1 x2))
909 ((flonum? x2) (<=/flonum x1 x2))
910 (else (not-number x2))))
912 (define (>=/generic x1 x2) ;; reversing dispatch order
913 (cond ((fixnum? x1) (<=/fixnum x2 x1))
914 ((bignum? x1) (<=/bignum x2 x1))
915 ((flonum? x1) (<=/flonum x2 x1))
916 (else (not-number x1))))
918 (define =* (delay (all-pairwise =/generic)))
919 (define <* (delay (all-pairwise </generic)))
920 (define >* (delay (all-pairwise >/generic)))
921 (define <=* (delay (all-pairwise <=/generic)))
922 (define >=* (delay (all-pairwise >=/generic)))
924 (define (= z1 z2 . zs) (=* z1 z2 zs))
925 (define (< x1 x2 . xs) (<* x1 x2 xs))
926 (define (> x1 x2 . xs) (>* x1 x2 xs))
927 (define (<= x1 x2 . xs) (<=* x1 x2 xs))
928 (define (>= x1 x2 . xs) (>=* x1 x2 xs))
930 (define (zero? z)
931 (cond ((fixnum? z) (fx=/unchecked z 0))
932 ((bignum? z) #f)
933 ((flonum? z) (flo=/unchecked z flo0))
934 (else (not-number z))))
936 (define (positive? x)
937 (cond ((fixnum? x) (fx</unchecked 0 x))
938 ((bignum? x) (not (bignum-negative? x)))
939 ((flonum? x) (flo</unchecked flo0 x))
940 (else (not-number x))))
942 (define (negative? x)
943 (cond ((fixnum? x) (fxnegative/unchecked? x))
944 ((bignum? x) (bignum-negative? x))
945 ((flonum? x) (flonegative/unchecked? x))
946 (else (not-number x))))
948 (define (odd? n)
949 (cond ((fixnum? n) (fx=/unchecked (fxand n 1) 1))
950 ((bignum? n) (fx=/unchecked (fxand (bignum-ref n 0) 1) 1))
951 ((flonum? n) (flo=/unchecked (floremainder/unchecked
952 (if (flonegative/unchecked? n)
953 (floneg/unchecked n) n) flo2)
954 flo1))
955 (else (not-number n))))
957 (define (even? n)
958 (cond ((fixnum? n) (fx=/unchecked (fxand n 1) 0))
959 ((bignum? n) (fx=/unchecked (fxand (bignum-ref n 0) 1) 0))
960 ((flonum? n) (flo=/unchecked (floremainder/unchecked n flo2) flo0))
961 (else (not-number n))))
963 (define (flonum/generic x)
964 (cond ((fixnum? x) (flonum/unchecked x))
965 ((bignum? x) (bignum->flonum x))
966 ((flonum? x) x)
967 (else (not-number x))))
969 (define (max2 x1 x2)
970 (cond ((flonum? x1) (flonum/generic (if (</flonum x2 x1) x1 x2)))
971 ((flonum? x2) (flonum/generic (if (</flonum x1 x2) x2 x1)))
972 (else (if (</generic x1 x2) x2 x1))))
974 (define (min2 x1 x2)
975 (cond ((flonum? x1) (flonum/generic (if (</flonum x2 x1) x2 x1)))
976 ((flonum? x2) (flonum/generic (if (</flonum x1 x2) x1 x2)))
977 (else (if (</generic x1 x2) x1 x2))))
979 (define max* (delay (foldl max2)))
980 (define min* (delay (foldl min2)))
982 (define (max x1 . xs) (max* x1 xs))
983 (define (min x1 . xs) (min* x1 xs))
985 ;; Common dispatch patterns based on type promotion
987 (define (dispatch-fixnum fx-op bn-op flo-op)
988 (lambda (z fx)
989 (cond ((fixnum? z) (fx-op z fx))
990 ((bignum? z) (bn-op z (bignum fx)))
991 ((flonum? z) (flo-op z (flonum/unchecked fx)))
992 (else (not-number z)))))
994 (define (dispatch-bignum bn-op flo-op)
995 (lambda (z bn)
996 (cond ((fixnum? z) (bn-op (bignum z) bn))
997 ((bignum? z) (bn-op z bn))
998 ((flonum? z) (flo-op z (bignum->flonum bn)))
999 (else (not-number z)))))
1001 (define (dispatch-num2 fx-op bn-op flo-op)
1002 (let ((dfx (dispatch-fixnum fx-op bn-op flo-op))
1003 (dbn (dispatch-bignum bn-op flo-op)))
1004 (lambda (z1 z2)
1005 (cond ((fixnum? z2) (dfx z1 z2))
1006 ((bignum? z2) (dbn z1 z2))
1007 ((flonum? z2) (flo-op (flonum/generic z1) z2))
1008 (else (not-number z2))))))
1010 (define add2 (delay (dispatch-num2 fx+/promote bn+ flo+/unchecked)))
1011 (define mul2 (delay (dispatch-num2 fx*/promote bn* flo*/unchecked)))
1013 (define sub/bignum (delay (dispatch-bignum bn- flo-/unchecked)))
1015 (define (sub2 z1 z2)
1016 (cond ((fixnum? z2) (add2 z1 (fxneg/promote z2)))
1017 ((bignum? z2) (sub/bignum z1 z2))
1018 ((flonum? z2) (flo-/unchecked (flonum/generic z1) z2))
1019 (else (not-number z2))))
1021 (define (div2 z1 z2)
1022 (flodiv/unchecked
1023 (flonum/generic z1)
1024 (cond ((fixnum? z2) (if (fx=/unchecked z2 0) (zero-divisor)
1025 (flonum/unchecked z2)))
1026 ((bignum? z2) (bignum->flonum z2))
1027 ((flonum? z2) (if (flo=/unchecked z2 flo0) (zero-divisor) z2))
1028 (else (not-number z2)))))
1030 (define add* (delay (foldl add2)))
1031 (define mul* (delay (foldl mul2)))
1032 (define sub* (delay (foldl sub2)))
1033 (define div* (delay (foldl div2)))
1035 (define (+ . zs)
1036 (if (pair? zs) (add* (car/unchecked zs) (cdr/unchecked zs)) 0))
1038 (define (* . zs)
1039 (if (pair? zs) (mul* (car/unchecked zs) (cdr/unchecked zs)) 1))
1041 (define (- z . zs)
1042 (cond ((pair? zs) (sub* (sub2 z (car/unchecked zs))
1043 (cdr/unchecked zs)))
1044 ((fixnum? z) (fxneg/promote z))
1045 ((bignum? z) (bnneg z))
1046 ((flonum? z) (floneg/unchecked z))
1047 (else (not-number z))))
1049 (define (/ z . zs)
1050 (if (pair? zs) (div* (div2 z (car/unchecked zs))
1051 (cdr/unchecked zs))
1052 (div2 flo1 z)))
1054 (define (abs x)
1055 (cond ((fixnum? x) (if (fxnegative/unchecked? x) (fxneg/promote x) x))
1056 ((bignum? x) (if (bignum-negative? x) (bnneg x) x))
1057 ((flonum? x) (if (flonegative/unchecked? x) (floneg/unchecked x)
1058 x))
1059 (else (not-number x))))
1061 (define (floquotient/int/unchecked n1 n2)
1062 (floquotient/unchecked (require-integer n1) (require-integer n2)))
1064 (define (floremainder/int/unchecked n1 n2)
1065 (floremainder/unchecked (require-integer n1) (require-integer n2)))
1067 (define quotient/fixnum
1068 (delay (dispatch-fixnum fxquotient/promote/unchecked bnquotient
1069 floquotient/int/unchecked)))
1071 (define quotient/bignum
1072 (delay (dispatch-bignum bnquotient floquotient/int/unchecked)))
1074 (define remainder/fixnum
1075 (delay (dispatch-fixnum fxremainder/unchecked bnremainder
1076 floremainder/int/unchecked)))
1078 (define remainder/bignum
1079 (delay (dispatch-bignum bnremainder floremainder/int/unchecked)))
1081 (define (quotient n1 n2)
1082 (cond ((fixnum? n2)
1083 (if (fx=/unchecked n2 0) (zero-divisor) (quotient/fixnum n1 n2)))
1084 ((bignum? n2) (quotient/bignum n1 n2))
1085 ((flonum? n2)
1086 (if (flo=/unchecked n2 flo0) (zero-divisor)
1087 (floquotient/int/unchecked (flonum/generic n1) n2)))
1088 (else (not-integer n2))))
1090 (define (remainder n1 n2)
1091 (cond ((fixnum? n2)
1092 (if (fx=/unchecked n2 0) (zero-divisor) (remainder/fixnum n1 n2)))
1093 ((bignum? n2) (remainder/bignum n1 n2))
1094 ((flonum? n2)
1095 (if (flo=/unchecked n2 flo0) (zero-divisor)
1096 (floremainder/int/unchecked (flonum/generic n1) n2)))
1097 (else (not-integer n2))))
1099 (define (modulo n1 n2)
1100 (let ((r (remainder n1 n2)))
1101 (if (eq? (negative? r) (negative? n2)) r
1102 (add2 r n2))))
1104 (define (gcd2 n1 n2)
1105 (if (= n2 0) n1
1106 (gcd2 n2 (remainder n1 n2))))
1108 (define gcd* (delay (foldl gcd2)))
1110 (define (gcd . ns)
1111 (if (pair? ns) (gcd* (car/unchecked ns) (cdr/unchecked ns)) 0))
1113 (define (lcm . ns)
1114 (if (pair? ns)
1115 (quotient (mul* (car/unchecked ns) (cdr/unchecked ns))
1116 (gcd* (car/unchecked ns) (cdr/unchecked ns)))
1117 1))
1119 ; numerator
1120 ; denominator
1122 (define (floor x)
1123 (cond ((flonum? x) (floor/unchecked x))
1124 ((exact? x) x)
1125 (else (not-number x))))
1127 (define (ceiling x)
1128 (cond ((flonum? x) (ceiling/unchecked x))
1129 ((exact? x) x)
1130 (else (not-number x))))
1132 (define (truncate x)
1133 (cond ((flonum? x) (truncate/unchecked x))
1134 ((exact? x) x)
1135 (else (not-number x))))
1137 (define (round x)
1138 (cond ((flonum? x) (round/unchecked x))
1139 ((exact? x) x)
1140 (else (not-number x))))
1142 ; rationalize
1144 (define (irrational flo-op special-fx-arg special-result)
1145 (lambda (z)
1146 (cond ((flonum? z) (flo-op z))
1147 ((fixnum? z) (if (fx=/unchecked z special-fx-arg) special-result
1148 (flo-op (flonum/unchecked z))))
1149 ((bignum? z) (flo-op (bignum->flonum z)))
1150 (else (not-number z)))))
1152 (define atan1 (delay (irrational atan/unchecked 0 0)))
1154 (define (atan2 y x)
1155 (cond ((flonum? y) (atan2/unchecked y (flonum/generic x)))
1156 ((fixnum? y) (if (and (fx=/unchecked y 0) (positive? x)) 0
1157 (atan2/unchecked (flonum/unchecked y)
1158 (flonum/generic x))))
1159 ((bignum? y) (atan2/unchecked (bignum->flonum y)
1160 (flonum/generic x)))
1161 (else (not-number y))))
1163 (define (atan z . zs)
1164 (cond ((null? zs) (atan1 z))
1165 ((null? (cdr/unchecked zs)) (atan2 z (car/unchecked zs)))
1166 (else (too-many-args))))
1168 ;; For exact base and non-negative fixnum power
1169 (define (expt/exact/fixnum base power)
1170 (do ((base base (* base base))
1171 (power power (fxshift power -1))
1172 (acc 1 (if (fx=/unchecked (fxand power 1) 1) (* acc base) acc)))
1173 ((fx=/unchecked power 0) acc)))
1175 ;; For exact base and sign-ignored bignum power. XXX this seems a bit ridiculous to compute, but who am I to stop you from trying?
1176 (define (expt/exact/bignum base power)
1177 (do ((base base (* base base))
1178 (power (bignum-bit-stream power) (stream-tail power))
1179 (acc 1 (if (fx=/unchecked (stream-head power) 1) (* acc base) acc)))
1180 ((null? power) acc)))
1182 ;; For positive flonum base, flonum power and result
1183 (define (expt/inexact/+base base power)
1184 (exp/unchecked (flo*/unchecked (log/unchecked base) power)))
1186 ;; For nonzero flonum base, flonum power and result
1187 (define (expt/inexact base power)
1188 (if (and (flonegative/unchecked? base) (integer? power))
1189 (if (odd? power)
1190 (floneg/unchecked
1191 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base) power))
1192 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base) power))
1193 ;; For non-integer power of negative base, proceed anyway to get NaN (unspecified, but consistent with sqrt)
1194 (expt/inexact/+base base power)))
1196 ;; For fixnum power
1197 (define (expt/fixnum base power)
1198 (cond ((or (fixnum? base) (bignum? base))
1199 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? power)
1200 (/ (expt/exact/fixnum base (fxneg/promote power)))
1201 (expt/exact/fixnum base power)))
1202 ((flonum? base)
1203 (cond ((fx=/unchecked power 0) 1)
1204 ((flo=/unchecked base flo0) flo0)
1205 ((flonegative/unchecked? base)
1206 (if (odd? power)
1207 (floneg/unchecked
1208 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base)
1209 (flonum/unchecked power)))
1210 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base)
1211 (flonum/unchecked power))))
1212 (else (expt/inexact/+base base (flonum/unchecked power)))))
1213 (else (not-number base))))
1215 ;; For bignum power
1216 (define (expt/bignum base power)
1217 (cond ((fixnum? base)
1218 (cond ((fx=/unchecked base 0) 0)
1219 ((fx=/unchecked base 1) 1)
1220 ((fx=/unchecked base -1) (if (odd? power) -1 1))
1221 ((bignum-negative? power)
1222 (/ (expt/exact/bignum base power)))
1223 (else (expt/exact/bignum base power))))
1224 ((bignum? base)
1225 (cond ((bignum-negative? power)
1226 (/ (expt/exact/bignum base power)))
1227 (else (expt/exact/bignum base power))))
1228 ((flonum? base)
1229 (cond ((flo=/unchecked base flo0) flo0)
1230 ((flo=/unchecked base flo1) flo1)
1231 ((flo=/unchecked base flo-1) (if (odd? power) flo-1 flo1))
1232 ((flonegative/unchecked? base)
1233 (if (odd? power)
1234 (floneg/unchecked
1235 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base)
1236 (bignum->flonum power)))
1237 (expt/inexact/+base (floneg/unchecked base)
1238 (bignum->flonum power))))
1239 (else (expt/inexact/+base base (bignum->flonum power)))))
1240 (else (not-number base))))
1242 ;; For flonum power (result could still be exact)
1243 (define (expt/flonum base power)
1244 (cond ((fixnum? base)
1245 (cond ((flo=/unchecked power flo0) flo1)
1246 ((fx=/unchecked base 0) flo0)
1247 ;; ^ inexact due to the 0^0 case (a low-valued inexact power could be a zero with error)
1248 ((fx=/unchecked base 1) 1)
1249 (else (expt/inexact (flonum/unchecked base) power))))
1250 ((bignum? base)
1251 (cond ((flo=/unchecked power flo0) flo1)
1252 (else (expt/inexact (bignum->flonum base) power))))
1253 ((flonum? base)
1254 (cond ((flo=/unchecked power flo0) flo1)
1255 ((flo=/unchecked base flo0) flo0)
1256 (else (expt/inexact base power))))
1257 (else (not-number base))))
1259 (define (expt z1 z2)
1260 (cond ((fixnum? z2) (expt/fixnum z1 z2))
1261 ((bignum? z2) (expt/bignum z1 z2))
1262 ((flonum? z2) (expt/flonum z1 z2))
1263 (else (not-number z2))))
1265 ; make-rectangular
1266 ; make-polar
1267 ; real-part
1268 ; imag-part
1269 ; magnitude
1270 ; angle
1272 (define (flonum->exact-int fraction exponent)
1273 (let ((n (load-exponent/unchecked fraction *fixnum-width*-1))
1274 (exponent (fx-/unchecked exponent *fixnum-width*-1)))
1275 (let ((word (flonum->fixnum/unchecked n)))
1276 (if (fxnegative/unchecked? exponent)
1277 (fxshift word exponent)
1278 (let ((fraction (flo-/unchecked n (flonum/unchecked word))))
1279 (if (flo=/unchecked fraction flo0)
1280 (* word (expt/exact/fixnum 2 exponent))
1281 (+ (* word (expt/exact/fixnum 2 exponent))
1282 (flonum->exact-int fraction exponent))))))))
1284 (define (inexact->exact z)
1285 (cond ((flonum? z)
1286 (cond ((flo=/unchecked z flo0) 0)
1287 ((inf/unchecked? z) (error "infinite flonum"))
1288 ((integer? z) (call-with-values
1289 (lambda () (fraction/exponent/unchecked z))
1290 flonum->exact-int))
1291 (else (error "non-integer flonum:" z)))) ;; includes NaN
1292 ((exact? z) z)
1293 (else (not-number z))))
1295 ;;; 6.2.6 Numerical I/O
1297 (define (number->string z . args)
1298 (define radix 10)
1299 (if (pair? args)
1300 (begin (if (pair? (cdr args)) (too-many-args))
1301 (set! radix (car args))
1302 (if (not (fixnum? radix))
1303 (if (inexact? radix) (not-exact-int radix)
1304 (bad-radix radix)))))
1305 (cond ((fixnum? z)
1306 ((cond ((fx=/unchecked radix 10) fixnum->dec/unchecked)
1307 ((fx=/unchecked radix 16) fixnum->hex/unchecked)
1308 ((fx=/unchecked radix 8) fixnum->oct/unchecked)
1309 ((fx=/unchecked radix 2) fixnum->bin/unchecked)
1310 (else (bad-radix radix))) z))
1311 ((bignum? z)
1312 ((cond ((fx=/unchecked radix 10) bignum->dec)
1313 ((fx=/unchecked radix 16) bignum->hex)
1314 ((fx=/unchecked radix 8) bignum->oct)
1315 ((fx=/unchecked radix 2) bignum->bin)
1316 (else (bad-radix radix))) z))
1317 ((flonum? z)
1318 (cond ((fx=/unchecked radix 10) (flonum->dec/unchecked z))
1319 ((memv radix '(16 8 2))
1320 ;; XXX the spec is confusing here: seems to be allowed, but point and exponent notation are only allowed in decimal radix. So inexact integers could pass the round-trip test e.g. "#iabcdef000000000", but ew.
1321 (error "non-decimal radix for inexact number"))
1322 (else (bad-radix radix))))
1323 (else (not-number z))))
1325 (define (string->number s . args)
1326 ;; XXX what to do if both #e prefix and point/exponent/#?
1327 (define fail #f)
1328 (define acc #f)
1330 (define radix 10)
1331 (define exact #t)
1332 (define got-radix #f)
1333 (define got-exact #f)
1334 (define (set-radix! r)
1335 (if got-radix (fail)) (set! got-radix #t) (set! radix r))
1336 (define (set-exact! e)
1337 (if got-exact (fail)) (set! got-exact #t) (set! exact e))
1339 (define pos 0)
1340 (define len #f)
1341 (define (peek) (string-ref s pos))
1342 (define (next!)
1343 (let ((c (string-ref s pos)))
1344 (set! pos (fx+/unchecked pos 1)) c))
1345 (define (end?) (fx=/unchecked pos len))
1347 (define (char->digit c)
1348 ;; Simultaneous ASCII digit conversion and range checking with memoized radix specialization.
1349 (set! char->digit
1350 (cond ((fx=/unchecked radix 2)
1351 (lambda (c)
1352 (cond ((char<? c #\0) #f)
1353 ;; (char->integer #\0) -> 48
1354 ((char<=? c #\1) (fx-/unchecked (char->integer c) 48))
1355 (else #f))))
1356 ((fx=/unchecked radix 8)
1357 (lambda (c)
1358 (cond ((char<? c #\0) #f)
1359 ((char<=? c #\7) (fx-/unchecked (char->integer c) 48))
1360 (else #f))))
1361 ((fx=/unchecked radix 10)
1362 (lambda (c)
1363 (cond ((char<? c #\0) #f)
1364 ((char<=? c #\9) (fx-/unchecked (char->integer c) 48))
1365 (else #f))))
1366 ((fx=/unchecked radix 16)
1367 (lambda (c)
1368 (set! c (char->integer (char-upcase c)))
1369 ;; (- (char->integer #\A) 10) -> 55
1370 (set! c (fx-/unchecked c (if (fx</unsigned c 58) 48 55)))
1371 (and (fx</unsigned c 16) c))))) ;; wrap negatives
1372 (char->digit c))
1374 (define (<prefix>)
1375 (cond ((end?) (fail))
1376 ((char=? (peek) #\#)
1377 (next!)
1378 (if (end?) (fail))
1379 (case (char-downcase (next!))
1380 ((#\e) (set-exact! #t))
1381 ((#\i) (set-exact! #f))
1382 ((#\b) (set-radix! 2))
1383 ((#\o) (set-radix! 8))
1384 ((#\d) (set-radix! 10))
1385 ((#\x) (set-radix! 16))
1386 (else (fail)))
1387 (<prefix>))
1388 (else (<complex>))))
1390 (define (<complex>)
1391 (let ((r (<real>)))
1392 (if (end?) r (fail)))) ;; stub
1394 (define (<real>)
1395 (let ((proc (if (fx=/unchecked radix 10) <ureal-10> <ureal-pow2>)))
1396 (cond ((end?) (fail))
1397 ((char=? (peek) #\+) (next!) (proc))
1398 ((char=? (peek) #\-) (next!) (- (proc)))
1399 (else (proc)))))
1401 (define (<ureal-pow2>)
1402 (if (end?) (fail))
1403 (let ((d (char->digit (next!))))
1404 (cond (d (set! acc (if exact d (flonum/unchecked d)))
1405 (ureal-pow2-loop))
1406 (else (fail)))))
1407 (define (ureal-pow2-loop)
1408 (if (end?) acc
1409 (let* ((c (peek)) (d (char->digit c)))
1410 ;; XXX naive algorithm
1411 (cond (d (next!)
1412 (set! acc (+ (* acc radix) d))
1413 (ureal-pow2-loop))
1414 ((char=? c #\#) (set! acc (flonum/generic acc))
1415 (sharp-loop))
1416 ((char=? c #\/) (next!)
1417 (fraction))
1418 (else acc)))))
1420 (define (<ureal-10>)
1421 (if (end?) (fail))
1422 (let* ((c (next!)) (d (char->digit c)))
1423 (cond (d (set! acc (if exact d (flonum/unchecked d)))
1424 (ureal-10-loop))
1425 ((char=? c #\.) (initial-point))
1426 (else (fail)))))
1427 (define (ureal-10-loop)
1428 (if (end?) acc
1429 (let* ((c (peek)) (d (char->digit c)))
1430 ;; XXX naive algorithm
1431 (cond (d (next!)
1432 (set! acc (+ (* acc 10) d))
1433 (ureal-10-loop))
1434 ((char=? c #\.) (next!)
1435 (set! acc (flonum/generic acc))
1436 (point-loop flo1/10))
1437 ((char=? c #\#) (set! acc (flonum/generic acc))
1438 (sharp-loop))
1439 ((char=? c #\/) (next!) (fraction))
1440 (else (<suffix>))))))
1442 (define (sharp-loop)
1443 (cond ((end?) acc)
1444 ((char=? (peek) #\#) (next!)
1445 (set! acc (* radix acc))
1446 (sharp-loop))
1447 ((char=? (peek) #\.) (next!)
1448 (if (fx=/unchecked radix 10)
1449 (point-sharp-loop) (fail)))
1450 ((char=? (peek) #\/) (next!)
1451 (fraction))
1452 (else acc)))
1454 (define (initial-point)
1455 (if (end?) (fail))
1456 (let ((d (char->digit (next!))))
1457 (cond (d (set! acc (flo*/unchecked (flonum/unchecked d) flo1/10))
1458 (point-loop (flo*/unchecked flo1/10 flo1/10)))
1459 (else (fail)))))
1460 (define (point-loop place-val)
1461 (if (end?) acc
1462 (let ((d (char->digit (peek))))
1463 ;; XXX naive algorithm
1464 (cond (d (next!)
1465 (set! acc (flo+/unchecked
1466 acc (flo*/unchecked place-val
1467 (flonum/unchecked d))))
1468 (point-loop (flo*/unchecked place-val flo1/10)))
1469 (else (point-sharp-loop))))))
1470 (define (point-sharp-loop)
1471 (cond ((end?) acc)
1472 ((char=? (peek) #\#) (next!) (point-sharp-loop))
1473 (else (<suffix>))))
1475 (define (<suffix>)
1476 (cond ((end?) acc)
1477 ((memv (char-downcase (peek)) '(#\e #\s #\f #\d #\l))
1478 ;; all markers equivalent as we only have one float precision
1479 (next!) (exponent-sign))
1480 (else acc)))
1482 (define (fraction)
1483 (fail)) ;; stub
1485 (define (exponent-sign)
1486 (define (exponent negative)
1487 (if (end?) (fail)
1488 (let ((d (char->digit (next!))))
1489 (if d (let ((e (loop (flonum/unchecked d))))
1490 (flo*/unchecked
1491 (flonum/generic acc)
1492 (exp10/flonum (if negative (floneg/unchecked e) e))))
1493 (fail)))))
1494 (define (loop e)
1495 (if (end?) e
1496 (let ((d (char->digit (peek))))
1497 (if d (begin (next!) (loop (flo+/unchecked
1498 (flo*/unchecked e flo10)
1499 (flonum/unchecked d))))
1500 e))))
1501 (cond ((end?) (fail))
1502 ((char=? (peek) #\+) (next!) (exponent #f))
1503 ((char=? (peek) #\-) (next!) (exponent #t))
1504 (else (exponent #f))))
1506 (set! len (string-length s))
1507 (if (pair? args)
1508 (if (pair? (cdr args)) (too-many-args)
1509 (begin (set! radix (car args))
1510 (if (memv radix '(2 8 10 16))
1511 (if (not (fixnum? radix)) (not-exact-int radix))
1512 (bad-radix radix)))))
1513 (call/cc (lambda (return) (set! fail (lambda () (return #f)))
1514 (<prefix>))))
1515 ;; end of string->number (whew!)
1517 ;;; 6.3.2 Pairs and lists
1519 (define (list . args) args)
1521 ;; not tail recursive
1522 (define (append . args)
1523 (if (pair? args)
1524 (let loop ((lists args))
1525 (let ((next (cdr/unchecked lists)))
1526 (if (pair? next)
1527 (append2 (car/unchecked lists) (loop next))
1528 (car/unchecked lists))))
1529 '()))
1531 (define (reverse l)
1532 (let loop ((accum '()) (l l))
1533 (cond ((pair? l) (loop (cons (car/unchecked l) accum)
1534 (cdr/unchecked l)))
1535 ((null? l) accum)
1536 (else (not-list)))))
1538 (define (list-tail l k)
1539 (check-exact-non-negative-int k)
1540 (do ((k k (- k 1)) (l l (cdr l))) ((zero? k) l)))
1542 (define (list-ref l k) (car (list-tail l k)))
1544 (define (memq x l)
1545 (cond ((pair? l) (if (eq? x (car/unchecked l)) l
1546 (memq x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1547 ((null? l) #f)
1548 (else (not-list))))
1550 (define (memv x l)
1551 (cond ((pair? l) (if (eqv? x (car/unchecked l)) l
1552 (memv x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1553 ((null? l) #f)
1554 (else (not-list))))
1556 (define (member x l)
1557 (cond ((pair? l) (if (equal? x (car/unchecked l)) l
1558 (member x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1559 ((null? l) #f)
1560 (else (not-list))))
1562 (define (assq x l)
1563 (cond ((pair? l) (if (eq? x (caar l)) (car/unchecked l)
1564 (assq x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1565 ((null? l) #f)
1566 (else (not-list))))
1568 (define (assv x l)
1569 (cond ((pair? l) (if (eqv? x (caar l)) (car/unchecked l)
1570 (assv x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1571 ((null? l) #f)
1572 (else (not-list))))
1574 (define (assoc x l)
1575 (cond ((pair? l) (if (equal? x (caar l)) (car/unchecked l)
1576 (assoc x (cdr/unchecked l))))
1577 ((null? l) #f)
1578 (else (not-list))))
1580 ;;; 6.3.5 Strings
1582 (define (string . args) (list->string args))
1584 (define (string->list s)
1585 (do ((k (fx+/unchecked (string-length s) -1) (fx+/unchecked k -1))
1586 (accum '() (cons (string-ref/unchecked s k) accum)))
1587 ((fx=/unchecked k -1) accum)))
1589 ;;; 6.3.6 Vectors
1591 (define (vector . args) (list->vector args))
1593 (define (vector->list v)
1594 (do ((k (fx-/unchecked (vector-length v) 1) (fx-/unchecked k 1))
1595 (accum '() (cons (vector-ref/unchecked v k) accum)))
1596 ((fx=/unchecked k -1) accum)))
1598 ;;; 6.4 Control Features
1600 (define (apply proc . args)
1601 (if (pair? args)
1602 (let ((p2 (cdr/unchecked args)))
1603 (if (pair? p2)
1604 (do ((p1 args p2)
1605 (p2 p2 p3)
1606 (p3 (cdr/unchecked p2) (cdr/unchecked p3)))
1607 ((null? p3)
1608 (set-cdr/unchecked! p1 (copy-list (car/unchecked p2)))))
1609 (set! args (copy-list (car/unchecked args)))))
1610 (error "missing argument list"))
1611 (apply/unchecked proc args))
1613 (define all-null? (delay (all null?)))
1614 (define all-pair? (delay (all pair?)))
1615 (define car*unchecked (delay (map1 car/unchecked)))
1616 (define cdr*unchecked (delay (map1 cdr/unchecked)))
1618 ;; not tail recursive
1619 (define (map proc list1 . lists)
1620 (define (loop lists)
1621 (cond ((pair? (car/unchecked lists))
1622 (if (all-pair? (cdr/unchecked lists))
1623 (cons (apply/unchecked proc (car*unchecked lists))
1624 (loop (cdr*unchecked lists)))
1625 (uneven-lists)))
1626 ((null? (car/unchecked lists))
1627 (if (all-null? (cdr/unchecked lists)) '() (uneven-lists)))
1628 (else (not-list))))
1629 (loop (cons list1 lists)))
1631 (define (for-each proc list1 . lists)
1632 (define (loop lists)
1633 (cond ((pair? (car/unchecked lists))
1634 (if (not (all-pair? (cdr/unchecked lists))) (uneven-lists))
1635 (apply/unchecked proc (car*unchecked lists))
1636 (loop (cdr*unchecked lists)))
1637 ((null? (car/unchecked lists))
1638 (if (all-null? (cdr/unchecked lists)) '()
1639 (uneven-lists)))
1640 (else (not-list))))
1641 (loop (cons list1 lists)))
1643 (define (dynamic-wind before thunk after)
1644 (call/cc (lambda (return)
1645 (push-winding! before after)
1646 (before)
1647 (call-with-values thunk return))))
1649 ;;; 6.6.1 Ports
1651 (define (call-with-input-file filename proc)
1652 (let ((port (open-input-file filename)))
1653 (saving-values (lambda () (proc port))
1654 (lambda () (close-input-port port)))))
1656 (define (call-with-output-file filename proc . options)
1657 (let ((port (apply open-output-file filename options)))
1658 (saving-values (lambda () (proc port))
1659 (lambda () (close-output-port port)))))
1661 (define (with-input-from-file filename proc)
1662 (let ((saved (current-input-port))
1663 (port (open-input-file filename)))
1664 (saving-values
1665 (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set-input-port! port))
1666 proc
1667 (lambda () (set-input-port! saved))))
1668 (lambda () (close-input-port port)))))
1670 (define (with-output-to-file filename proc . options)
1671 (let ((saved (current-output-port))
1672 (port (apply open-output-file filename options)))
1673 (saving-values
1674 (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set-output-port! port))
1675 proc
1676 (lambda () (set-output-port! saved))))
1677 (lambda () (close-output-port port)))))
1679 ;;; 6.6.2 Input
1681 ;; Reader sentinels: newly allocated so not EQ? to any readable object (not sure if this would be guaranteed with a quoted pair...)
1682 (define rd-close-paren (cons 'special 'close-paren))
1683 (define rd-dot (cons 'special 'dot))
1685 (define (read . port)
1686 (define (eof-list) (error "unexpected end-of-file in list"))
1687 (define (read-datum)
1688 (let ((t (apply/unchecked read-token port)))
1689 (if (eof-object? t) t
1690 (case (car t)
1691 ((identifier) (string->symbol (cdr t)))
1692 ((open-paren) (build-list (read-datum)))
1693 ((close-paren) rd-close-paren)
1694 ((literal) (cdr t))
1695 ((number) (or (string->number (cdr t))
1696 (error "bad number token:" (cdr t))))
1697 ((abbrev) (abbrev (cdr t) (read-datum)))
1698 ((dot) rd-dot)
1699 ((open-vector) (build-vector '() (read-datum)))
1700 ((named-char) (named-char (cdr t)))
1701 (else (error "BUG: unmatched token type"))))))
1702 (define (build-list d)
1703 (cond ((eq? d rd-close-paren) '())
1704 ((eq? d rd-dot) (error "dotted list without first item"))
1705 ((eof-object? d) (eof-list))
1706 (else (extend-list (list d)))))
1707 (define (extend-list head)
1708 (define tail head)
1709 (define (loop d)
1710 (cond ((eq? d rd-close-paren) head)
1711 ((eq? d rd-dot) (improper (read-datum)))
1712 ((eof-object? d) (eof-list))
1713 (else (set-cdr! tail (list d))
1714 (set! tail (cdr tail))
1715 (loop (read-datum)))))
1716 (define (improper d)
1717 (cond ((eof-object? d) (eof-list))
1718 ((eq? d rd-close-paren)
1719 (error "dotted list without last item"))
1720 ((eq? d rd-dot) (error "extra dot in dotted list")))
1721 (let ((t (apply/unchecked read-token port)))
1722 (cond ((eof-object? t) (eof-list))
1723 ((eq? (car t) 'close-paren) (set-cdr! tail d) head)
1724 (else (error "excess item in tail of dotted list")))))
1725 (loop (read-datum)))
1726 (define (abbrev sym d)
1727 (cond ((eof-object? d)
1728 (error "unexpected end-of-file in abbreviation"))
1729 ((eq? d rd-close-paren)
1730 (error "unexpected close-paren in abbreviation"))
1731 ((eq? d rd-dot)
1732 (error "unexpected dot in abbreviation")))
1733 (list sym d))
1734 (define (build-vector acc d)
1735 (cond ((eof-object? d) (error "unexpected end-of-file in vector"))
1736 ((eq? d rd-close-paren) (reverse-list->vector/unchecked acc))
1737 ((eq? d rd-dot) (error "unexpected dot in vector"))
1738 (else (build-vector (cons d acc) (read-datum)))))
1739 (define (named-char n)
1740 (integer->char
1741 (cond ((string=? n "space") 32)
1742 ((string=? n "newline") 10)
1743 (else (error "bad character name:" n)))))
1744 (let ((d (read-datum)))
1745 (cond ((eq? d rd-close-paren) (error "unexpected close-paren"))
1746 ((eq? d rd-dot) (error "unexpected dot"))
1747 (else d))))
1749 ;;; 6.6.3 Output
1751 (define char-printer #f)
1752 (define string-printer #f)
1754 (define environment-specs
1755 `((,(null-environment 5) "NULL")
1756 (,(scheme-report-environment 5) "SCHEME-REPORT")
1757 (,(gales-scheme-environment) "GALES-SCHEME")
1758 (,(interaction-environment) "INTERACTION")
1759 (,(toplevel-environment) "TOPLEVEL")))
1761 (define (write-char/quoted c)
1762 (write-string "#\\")
1763 (case (char->integer c)
1764 ((32) (write-string "space"))
1765 ((10) (write-string "newline"))
1766 (else (write-char c))))
1768 (define (print obj)
1769 (cond ((pair? obj)
1770 (let ((head (car/unchecked obj))
1771 (tail (cdr/unchecked obj)))
1772 (cond ((and (symbol? head)
1773 (pair? tail)
1774 (null? (cdr/unchecked tail))
1775 (assq head '((quote "'")
1776 (quasiquote "`")
1777 (unquote ",")
1778 (unquote-splicing ",@"))))
1779 => (lambda (r)
1780 (write-string (cadr r))
1781 (print (car/unchecked tail))))
1782 (else (write-char #\()
1783 (let loop ((head head) (tail tail))
1784 (print head)
1785 (cond ((pair? tail)
1786 (write-char sp)
1787 (loop (car/unchecked tail)
1788 (cdr/unchecked tail)))
1789 ((null? tail))
1790 (else (write-string " . ")
1791 (print tail))))
1792 (write-char #\))))))
1793 ((null? obj) (write-string "()"))
1794 ((eq? obj #t) (write-string "#t"))
1795 ((eq? obj #f) (write-string "#f"))
1796 ((char? obj) (char-printer obj))
1797 ((number? obj) (write-string (number->string obj)))
1798 ((string? obj) (string-printer obj))
1799 ((symbol? obj) (write-string obj))
1800 ((vector? obj) (write-string "#(")
1801 (let ((len (vector-length obj)))
1802 (if (> len 0)
1803 (begin
1804 (print (vector-ref obj 0))
1805 (let loop ((k 1))
1806 (if (< k len)
1807 (begin (write-char sp)
1808 (print (vector-ref obj k))
1809 (loop (+ k 1))))))))
1810 (write-char #\)))
1811 ((builtin? obj) (write-string "#BUILTIN:")
1812 (write-string (builtin-name obj)))
1813 ((continuation? obj) (write-string "#CONTINUATION"))
1814 ((procedure? obj) (write-string "#PROCEDURE"))
1815 ((promise? obj) (write-string "#PROMISE"))
1816 ((input-port? obj) (write-string "#INPUT-PORT"))
1817 ((output-port? obj) (write-string "#OUTPUT-PORT"))
1818 ((eof-object? obj) (write-string "#EOF"))
1819 ((assq obj environment-specs)
1820 => (lambda (r)
1821 (write-string "#ENVSPEC:") (write-string (cadr r))))
1822 (else (error "BUG: unmatched type"))))
1824 (define (with-output-port-option thunk args)
1825 (if (pair? args)
1826 (if (null? (cdr/unchecked args))
1827 (let ((port (car/unchecked args))
1828 (saved (current-output-port)))
1829 (if (output-port? port)
1830 (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set-output-port! port)) thunk
1831 (lambda () (set-output-port! saved)))
1832 (not-output-port port)))
1833 (too-many-args))
1834 (thunk)))
1836 (define (write obj . args)
1837 (set! char-printer write-char/quoted)
1838 (set! string-printer write-string/quoted)
1839 (with-output-port-option (lambda () (print obj)) args))
1841 (define (display obj . args)
1842 (set! char-printer write-char)
1843 (set! string-printer write-string)
1844 (with-output-port-option (lambda () (print obj)) args))
1846 (define (newline . args)
1847 (apply/unchecked write-char (cons nl args)))
1849 ;;; 6.6.4 System Interface
1851 (define (load filename) (call-with-input-file filename exec-from-port))
1853 ;;; Extensions
1855 (define (set-error-handler! p)
1856 (set! error-handler (require-procedure p))
1857 ;; (re)register hook for internal errors
1858 (set-error-continuation! error-cont))
1860 (define (exit . args)
1861 (let ((status (opt-args args 0)))
1862 (if (and (exact? status) (integer? status))
1863 (exit-cont (modulo status 256))
1864 ;; ^ ensures fixnum, and seems to be what unix does anyway
1865 (not-exact-int status))))
1867 ;;; Lispy socket interface based on internal Unixy one.
1868 ;;
1869 ;; A socket object is a dispatch a-list of methods and constants. This object-oriented design avoids exposing bare file descriptors while allowing for more esoteric methods to be added in the future if needed. Unnecessary mutators are avoided, and stream sockets are not conflated with listeners.
1870 ;;
1871 ;; Explicitly closing one of the directional ports of a stream socket is interpreted as a promise that no further data will be read/written, including through other aliases of the underlying socket. Thus it is a half-shutdown visible to the peer as well as any external processes sharing the socket (e.g. if a fork extension is implemented). When closing listeners or datagram sockets shared by external processes, the usual Unix reference counting semantics apply.
1872 ;;
1873 ;; Host and service lookup is intended to be implemented in Scheme, at a higher layer. (That is, open-* won't do implicit lookups when the address looks like a name.)
1875 ;;; Internal constructors for general socket types
1877 (define (make-socket fd)
1878 `((type socket)
1879 (address ,(getsockname fd)))) ;; immutable
1881 (define (make-stream-socket fd)
1882 (receive (i o) (socket-ports fd)
1883 `((type stream-socket)
1884 (input-port ,i)
1885 (output-port ,o)
1886 (peer-address ,(getpeername fd)) ;; immutable
1887 . ,(make-socket fd))))
1889 (define (make-listener fd)
1890 `((type listener)
1891 (accept ,(lambda () (make-stream-socket (accept fd))))
1892 (close ,(lambda () (close fd)))
1893 . ,(make-socket fd)))
1895 (define (make-dgram-socket fd)
1896 `((type datagram-socket)
1897 (send ,(lambda (address msg) (sendto fd address msg)))
1898 (receive ,(lambda () (recvfrom fd)))
1899 (close ,(lambda () (close fd)))
1900 . ,(make-socket fd)))
1902 ;;; Specific constructors
1904 (define (open-tcp-connection address . args)
1905 (let* ((bind-address (opt-args args #f))
1906 (fd (if bind-address (inet-stream-socket bind-address)
1907 (inet-stream-socket))))
1908 (connect-inet fd address)
1909 (make-stream-socket fd)))
1911 (define (open-tcp-listener backlog . args)
1912 (let* ((address (opt-args args #f))
1913 (fd (if address (inet-stream-socket address)
1914 (inet-stream-socket))))
1915 (listen fd backlog)
1916 (make-listener fd)))
1918 (define (open-udp-socket . args)
1919 (let* ((address (opt-args args #f))
1920 (fd (if address (inet-dgram-socket address)
1921 (inet-dgram-socket))))
1922 (make-dgram-socket fd)))
1924 (define (open-unix-connection address . args)
1925 (let* ((bind-address (opt-args args #f))
1926 (fd (if bind-address (unix-stream-socket bind-address)
1927 (unix-stream-socket))))
1928 (connect-unix fd address)
1929 (make-stream-socket fd)))
1931 (define (open-unix-listener backlog address)
1932 ;; address required as Unix listeners can't bind to an automatic path
1933 (let ((fd (unix-stream-socket address)))
1934 (listen fd backlog)
1935 (make-listener fd)))
1937 (define (open-unix-datagram-socket . args)
1938 (let* ((address (opt-args args #f))
1939 (fd (if address (unix-dgram-socket address)
1940 (unix-dgram-socket))))
1941 (make-dgram-socket fd)))
1943 ;;; Higher-level wrappers
1945 (define (: object field) (cadr (assq field object)))
1947 (define (close-io i o) (close-input-port i) (close-output-port o))
1949 (define (call-with-connection sock proc)
1950 (let ((i (: sock 'input-port))
1951 (o (: sock 'output-port)))
1952 (saving-values (lambda () (proc i o))
1953 (lambda () (close-io i o)))))
1955 (define (sequential-server listener handler)
1956 (let ((accept (: listener 'accept)))
1957 (let loop ()
1958 (let ((sock (accept)))
1959 (let ((i (: sock 'input-port))
1960 (o (: sock 'output-port)))
1961 (let ((r (handler i o (: sock 'peer-address))))
1962 (close-io i o)
1963 (if r (loop) ((: listener 'close)))))))))
1965 (define (call-with-tcp-connection address proc)
1966 ;; parse IP / resolve name here...
1967 (call-with-connection (open-tcp-connection address) proc))
1969 (define (call-with-unix-connection address proc)
1970 (call-with-connection (open-unix-connection address) proc))
1972 (define (sequential-tcp-server backlog address handler)
1973 (sequential-server (open-tcp-listener backlog address) handler))
1975 (define (sequential-unix-server backlog address handler)
1976 (sequential-server (open-unix-listener backlog address) handler))
1978 ;;; End of internal definitions; apply deferred initializations (implicit forcing or R6's letrec* semantics could avoid this)
1980 (set! flo-bn-radix (force flo-bn-radix))
1981 (set! flo-log-bn-radix (force flo-log-bn-radix))
1982 (set! =* (force =*))
1983 (set! <* (force <*))
1984 (set! >* (force >*))
1985 (set! <=* (force <=*))
1986 (set! >=* (force >=*))
1987 (set! max* (force max*))
1988 (set! min* (force min*))
1989 (set! add2 (force add2))
1990 (set! mul2 (force mul2))
1991 (set! sub/bignum (force sub/bignum))
1992 (set! add* (force add*))
1993 (set! mul* (force mul*))
1994 (set! sub* (force sub*))
1995 (set! div* (force div*))
1996 (set! quotient/fixnum (force quotient/fixnum))
1997 (set! quotient/bignum (force quotient/bignum))
1998 (set! remainder/fixnum (force remainder/fixnum))
1999 (set! remainder/bignum (force remainder/bignum))
2000 (set! gcd* (force gcd*))
2001 (set! atan1 (force atan1))
2002 (set! all-null? (force all-null?))
2003 (set! all-pair? (force all-pair?))
2004 (set! car*unchecked (force car*unchecked))
2005 (set! cdr*unchecked (force cdr*unchecked))
2006 (set! dec-chunk-digits (force dec-chunk-digits))
2007 (set! dec-chunk-radix (force dec-chunk-radix))
2008 (set! hex-chunk-digits (force hex-chunk-digits))
2009 (set! oct-chunk-digits (force oct-chunk-digits))
2010 (set! hex-chunk-bits (force hex-chunk-bits))
2011 (set! oct-chunk-bits (force oct-chunk-bits))
2013 (for-each
2014 (lambda (rec) (define-traced define-r5rs (car rec) (cadr rec)))
2015 `((eqv? ,eqv?)
2016 (equal? ,equal?)
2017 (= ,=)
2018 (< ,<)
2019 (> ,>)
2020 (<= ,<=)
2021 (>= ,>=)
2022 (zero? ,zero?)
2023 (positive? ,positive?)
2024 (negative? ,negative?)
2025 (odd? ,odd?)
2026 (even? ,even?)
2027 (max ,max)
2028 (min ,min)
2029 (+ ,+)
2030 (* ,*)
2031 (- ,-)
2032 (/ ,/)
2033 (abs ,abs)
2034 (quotient ,quotient)
2035 (remainder ,remainder)
2036 (modulo ,modulo)
2037 (gcd ,gcd)
2038 (lcm ,lcm)
2039 (floor ,floor)
2040 (ceiling ,ceiling)
2041 (truncate ,truncate)
2042 (round ,round)
2043 (exp ,(irrational exp/unchecked 0 1))
2044 (log ,(irrational log/unchecked 1 0))
2045 (sin ,(irrational sin/unchecked 0 0))
2046 (cos ,(irrational cos/unchecked 0 1))
2047 (tan ,(irrational tan/unchecked 0 0))
2048 (asin ,(irrational asin/unchecked 0 0))
2049 (acos ,(irrational acos/unchecked 1 0))
2050 (atan ,atan)
2051 (sqrt ,(irrational sqrt/unchecked 0 0))
2052 ;; ^ could be refined to handle exact perfect squares, or bignums with greater precision and range
2053 (expt ,expt)
2054 (exact->inexact ,flonum/generic)
2055 (inexact->exact ,inexact->exact)
2056 (number->string ,number->string)
2057 (string->number ,string->number)
2058 (list ,list)
2059 (append ,append)
2060 (reverse ,reverse)
2061 (list-tail ,list-tail)
2062 (list-ref ,list-ref)
2063 (memq ,memq)
2064 (memv ,memv)
2065 (member ,member)
2066 (assq ,assq)
2067 (assv ,assv)
2068 (assoc ,assoc)
2069 (string ,string)
2070 (string->list ,string->list)
2071 (vector ,vector)
2072 (vector->list ,vector->list)
2073 (apply ,apply)
2074 (map ,map)
2075 (for-each ,for-each)
2076 (dynamic-wind ,dynamic-wind)
2077 (call-with-input-file ,call-with-input-file)
2078 (call-with-output-file ,call-with-output-file)
2079 (with-input-from-file ,with-input-from-file)
2080 (with-output-to-file ,with-output-to-file)
2081 (read ,read)
2082 (write ,write)
2083 (display ,display)
2084 (newline ,newline)
2085 (load ,load)))
2087 (for-each
2088 (lambda (rec) (define-traced define-gscm (car rec) (cadr rec)))
2089 `((set-error-handler! ,set-error-handler!)
2090 (exit ,exit)
2091 (open-tcp-connection ,open-tcp-connection)
2092 (open-tcp-listener ,open-tcp-listener)
2093 (open-udp-socket ,open-udp-socket)
2094 (open-unix-connection ,open-unix-connection)
2095 (open-unix-listener ,open-unix-listener)
2096 (open-unix-datagram-socket ,open-unix-datagram-socket)
2097 (call-with-tcp-connection ,call-with-tcp-connection)
2098 (call-with-unix-connection ,call-with-unix-connection)
2099 (sequential-tcp-server ,sequential-tcp-server)
2100 (sequential-unix-server ,sequential-unix-server)))
2102 (cond ((call/cc (lambda (c) (set! error-cont c) #f))
2103 => (lambda (args)
2104 (let ((h error-handler)
2105 (msg (car args))
2106 (args (cdr args)))
2107 (set! error-handler print-error)
2108 (h msg args (get-trace-log)))
2109 1))
2110 ((call/cc (lambda (c) (set! exit-cont c) #f)))
2111 (else (set-error-handler! print-error)
2112 (define-traced
2113 define-gscm 'error
2114 (lambda (msg . args)
2115 (if (string? msg) (error-cont (cons msg args))
2116 (error "not a string:" msg))))
2117 (cond ((member *args* '(() ("--")))
2118 (call/cc (lambda (c) (set! repl-cont c)))
2119 (set-error-handler! repl-error)
2120 (repl))
2121 ((string=? (car *args*) "-")
2122 (exec-from-port (current-input-port)))
2123 ((string=? (car *args*) "--")
2124 (set! *args* (cdr *args*))
2125 (eval `(set! *args* ',*args*) intr-env)
2126 (load (car *args*)))
2127 (else (load (car *args*))))
2128 0))))