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1;;;; Front-end compiler for the Gales Scheme interpreter
2;;; Jacob Welsh, Jan 2017
4;;; This "compiler" performs structural checks on the various expression types so the interpreter can avoid doing them repeatedly, copies to prevent mutation by user code after checking, replaces symbols with container objects for memoizing variable references, and implements a simplified (non-hygienic) macro language and some special cases for translating fancier expression types to primitive forms.
6;;; To avoid the chicken-and-egg bootstrapping problem, the code is restricted to the forms supported directly by the interpreter (LAMBDA, QUOTE, IF, SET!, BEGIN, LETREC, DELAY). It should be scrutinized carefully: any malformed expressions in its code may invoke the dreaded Undefined Behavior in the interpreter, and any incorrect output opens the interpreter to UB from user code.
8;;; For ease of loading from C, the compiler is structured as a single expression evaluating to a procedure. This is then registered as the global compiler procedure and is called on all further expressions passed to EVAL.
10;;; The compiler's environment must not be mutable from user code, and some extensions are required.
12;;; See also test-compiler.scm.
14;;; BUGS: The macro language is fairly stupid -- I've got some reading to do on the subject.
17 ((err-context #f)
18 (cerror
19 (lambda (msg . detail)
20 (apply/unchecked
21 error (cons (string-append (symbol->string err-context) ": " msg)
22 detail))))
24 (syn-env '())
25 (builtin-syn-env #f)
27 (vector-set/unchecked! vector-set!)
29 (unspecified-value '())
31 (list (lambda args args))
32 (map
33 (lambda (proc l)
34 (if (null? l) '()
35 (cons (proc (car l)) (map proc (cdr l))))))
36 (for-each
37 (lambda (proc l)
38 (letrec ((loop (lambda (l) (if (null? l) l (step l))))
39 (step (lambda (l) (proc (car l)) (loop (cdr l)))))
40 (loop l))))
41 (all
42 (lambda (pred items)
43 (if (null? items) #t
44 (if (pred (car items)) (all pred (cdr items))
45 #f))))
46 (compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x)))))
47 (vmap
48 (lambda (proc vec)
49 (letrec ((result (make-vector (vector-length vec)))
50 (loop (lambda (k) (if (fx=/unchecked k -1) result (step k))))
51 (step (lambda (k)
52 (vector-set/unchecked!
53 result k (proc (vector-ref/unchecked vec k)))
54 (loop (fx-/unchecked k 1)))))
55 (loop (fx-/unchecked (vector-length vec) 1)))))
56 (deep-copy/immutable
57 (lambda (x)
58 (if (pair? x) (cons/immutable (deep-copy/immutable (car/unchecked x))
59 (deep-copy/immutable (cdr/unchecked x)))
60 (if (vector? x) (vector-copy/immutable (vmap deep-copy/immutable x))
61 (if (string? x) (string-copy/immutable x)
62 x)))))
63 (deep-copy #f) ;; alias binding
64 (memq
65 (lambda (x l)
66 (if (pair? l) (if (eq? x (car/unchecked l)) l
67 (memq x (cdr/unchecked l)))
68 #f)))
69 (not-list-of-length
70 (lambda (obj . lengths)
71 (if (list? obj)
72 (if (memq (length obj) lengths) #f #t)
73 #t)))
74 (assq
75 (lambda (x l)
76 (if (pair? l) (if (eq? x (caar l)) (car/unchecked l)
77 (assq x (cdr/unchecked l)))
78 #f)))
79 (append2
80 (lambda (x y)
81 (if (pair? x) (cons (car/unchecked x)
82 (append2 (cdr/unchecked x) y))
83 (if (null? x) y
84 (error
85 "COMPILER BUG: append2: non-final argument not a list")))))
86 (append+/unchecked
87 (lambda (lists)
88 (if (pair? (cdr/unchecked lists))
89 (append2 (car/unchecked lists)
90 (append+/unchecked (cdr/unchecked lists)))
91 (car/unchecked lists))))
92 (append*
93 (lambda (lists)
94 (if (pair? lists) (append+/unchecked lists)
95 lists)))
96 (list-head
97 (lambda (l k)
98 (if (fx=/unchecked k 0) '()
99 (cons (car l) (list-head (cdr l) (fx-/unchecked k 1))))))
100 (list-tail
101 (lambda (l k)
102 (if (fx=/unchecked k 0) l
103 (list-tail (cdr l) (fx-/unchecked k 1)))))
105 (dict-extend (lambda (d name value) (cons (cons name value) d)))
106 (dict-get (lambda (d name default)
107 ((lambda (binding) (if binding (cdr binding) default))
108 (assq name d))))
110 (add-syntax!
111 (lambda (name rules)
112 ((lambda (binding)
113 (if binding (set-cdr! binding rules)
114 (set! syn-env (dict-extend syn-env name rules))))
115 (assq name syn-env))))
117 (with-split-list
118 (lambda (l k proc)
119 (proc (list-head l k) (list-tail l k))))
121 (check-ident
122 (lambda (obj) (if (symbol? obj) obj (cerror "not an identifier:" obj))))
124 ;; Check that a parameter list contains only symbols, no duplicates, and won't overflow internal limits (arity annotation in procedures and frame index in variable refs). Return the number of parameters, negated for an improper list.
125 (check-param-list
126 (lambda (vars)
127 (letrec
128 ((len 0)
129 (improper? #f)
130 (make-proper
131 ;; Unsurprisingly I hope, if you build an expression tree with a cyclic parameter list and eval it, you'll exhaust the heap.
132 (lambda (l)
133 (if (null? l) '()
134 (begin (if (fx=/unchecked len *max-parameters*)
135 (cerror "too many parameters"))
136 (set! len (fx+/unchecked len 1))
137 (if (pair? l)
138 (cons (car/unchecked l)
139 (make-proper (cdr/unchecked l)))
140 (begin (set! improper? #t)
141 (list l)))))))
142 ;; Mergesort based duplicate search
143 (sort
144 (lambda (l)
145 (if (null? l) l
146 (if (null? (cdr/unchecked l)) l
147 (with-split-list
148 l (fxshift (length l) -1)
149 (lambda (left right)
150 (merge (sort left) (sort right))))))))
151 (merge
152 (lambda (left right)
153 (if (null? left) right
154 (if (null? right) left
155 (if (string<? (car/unchecked left) (car/unchecked right))
156 (cons (car/unchecked left)
157 (merge (cdr/unchecked left) right))
158 (if (string<? (car/unchecked right)
159 (car/unchecked left))
160 (cons (car/unchecked right)
161 (merge left (cdr/unchecked right)))
162 (cerror "duplicate name:"
163 (car/unchecked left)))))))))
164 (sort (map (compose symbol->string check-ident) (make-proper vars)))
165 (if improper? (fxneg/unchecked len) len))))
166 (max-args
167 (lambda (form n)
168 (if (fx</unchecked n (length form)) (cerror "too many arguments"))))
170 (compile
171 (lambda (expr allow-defs)
172 (set! err-context 'compile)
173 (if (pair? expr)
174 (if (list? expr)
175 (compile-combination (car/unchecked expr) (cdr/unchecked expr)
176 allow-defs)
177 (cerror "combination not a proper list"))
178 (if (symbol? expr) (variable-ref expr)
179 (if (string? expr) (string-copy/immutable expr)
180 (if (number? expr) expr
181 (if (boolean? expr) expr
182 (if (char? expr) expr
183 (if (null? expr) (cerror "empty combination")
184 (cerror "bad type (literal constant missing quote?):"
185 expr))))))))))
186 (compile-expr-or-def (lambda (expr) (compile expr #t)))
187 (compile-expr (lambda (expr) (compile expr #f)))
188 (compile-combination
189 (lambda (operator operands allow-defs)
190 (if (symbol? operator)
191 ;; FIXME macro/variable shadowing
192 ((lambda (rules) ;; macro?
193 (if rules (compile-macro rules operator operands allow-defs)
194 ((lambda (r) ;; definition?
195 (if r r
196 ((lambda (r) ;; builtin form?
197 (if r r
198 ;; procedure call
199 (map compile-expr (cons operator operands))))
200 (compile-builtin
201 (dict-get builtin-syn-env operator #f)
202 operator operands))))
203 (if allow-defs (compile-definition operator operands) #f))))
204 (dict-get syn-env operator #f))
205 (if (pair? operator)
206 ;; procedure call with compound operator
207 (map compile-expr (cons operator operands))
208 (cerror "bad operator type:" operator)))))
209 (compile-macro
210 (lambda (syn-rules keyword form allow-defs)
211 (set! err-context keyword)
212 (compile (transform form (car syn-rules) (cdr syn-rules)) allow-defs)))
213 (compile-definition
214 (lambda (keyword operands)
215 (if (eq? keyword 'define) (compile-define operands)
216 (if (eq? keyword 'define-syntax) (compile-define-syntax operands)
217 (if (eq? keyword 'begin)
218 (if (null? operands)
219 unspecified-value ; allow empty begin at top level
220 (cons 'begin (map compile-expr-or-def operands)))
221 #f)))))
222 (compile-builtin
223 (lambda (compiler-proc keyword operands)
224 (if compiler-proc
225 (if (procedure? compiler-proc)
226 (begin (set! err-context keyword)
227 (compiler-proc operands))
228 ;; #t: builtin syntax with nothing to check
229 (cons keyword (map compile-expr operands)))
230 #f)))
231 (compile-body
232 (lambda (body)
233 ;; FIXME allow macros to expand to internal definitions
234 (letrec
235 ((definition?
236 (lambda (stmt) (if (pair? stmt) (eq? (car stmt) 'define) #f)))
237 (begin?
238 (lambda (stmt) (if (pair? stmt) (eq? (car stmt) 'begin) #f)))
239 (definitions?
240 (lambda (stmt)
241 (if (pair? stmt)
242 (if (eq? (car stmt) 'define) #t
243 (if (eq? (car stmt) 'begin) (all definitions? (cdr stmt))
244 #f))
245 #f)))
246 (flatten-defs
247 (lambda (stmt)
248 (if (begin? stmt) (flatten-defs (cdr stmt))
249 (if (definition? stmt) (list stmt)
250 (append* (map flatten-defs stmt))))))
251 (find-internal-defs
252 (lambda (defs body)
253 (if (if (pair? body) (definitions? (car body)) #f)
254 (find-internal-defs
255 (cons (car body) defs) (cdr body))
256 (with-compiled-defs
257 (map (compose compile-define cdr) (flatten-defs defs))
258 body))))
259 (saved-context err-context)
260 (with-compiled-defs
261 (lambda (defs body)
262 (set! err-context saved-context) ; restore after compile-define
263 (if (null? body)
264 (if (null? defs)
265 (cerror "empty body")
266 (cerror
267 "missing expression after internal definitions")))
268 (if (null? defs)
269 (map compile-expr body)
270 (begin (check-param-list (map cadr defs))
271 (list (cons 'letrec
272 (cons (map cdr defs)
273 (map compile-expr body)))))))))
274 (find-internal-defs '() body))))
275 (compile-lambda
276 (lambda (operands)
277 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing parameters"))
278 ((lambda (arity params-copy)
279 (cons 'lambda
280 ;; annotate to save runtime traversals, see procedure()
281 (cons arity
282 (cons params-copy
283 (compile-body (cdr operands))))))
284 (check-param-list (car operands))
285 (deep-copy (car operands)))))
286 (compile-quote
287 (lambda (operands)
288 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing argument"))
289 (max-args operands 1)
290 ((lambda (v)
291 (if (symbol? v) (list 'quote v)
292 (if (pair? v) (list 'quote (deep-copy/immutable v))
293 ;; Save some branching for self-evaluating constants. Unquoted () or vectors aren't technically valid Scheme, but we've already caught this and permitting internally is harmless.
294 (if (null? v) v
295 (if (vector? v) (deep-copy/immutable v)
296 (if (number? v) v
297 (if (boolean? v) v
298 (if (char? v) v
299 (if (string? v) (string-copy/immutable v)
300 ;; EVAL shenanigans on non-readable objects
301 (cerror
302 "object not valid in program text:"
303 v))))))))))
304 (car operands))))
305 (compile-if
306 (lambda (operands)
307 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing predicate"))
308 (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing consequent"))
309 (max-args operands 3)
310 (cons 'if (map compile-expr operands))))
311 (compile-set
312 (lambda (operands)
313 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing name"))
314 (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing value"))
315 (max-args operands 2)
316 (list 'set! (variable-ref (check-ident (car operands)))
317 (compile-expr (cadr operands)))))
318 (compile-begin
319 (lambda (operands)
320 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing expression"))
321 (cons 'begin (map compile-expr operands))))
322 (check-bindings
323 (lambda (bindings)
324 (if (not (list? bindings)) (cerror "bindings not a list:" bindings))
325 (for-each (lambda (binding)
326 (if (not-list-of-length binding 2)
327 (cerror "ill-formed binding:" binding)))
328 bindings)))
329 (compile-let
330 (lambda (operands)
331 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing bindings"))
332 (if (symbol? (car operands))
333 (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing bindings")
334 (compile-named-let
335 (car operands) (cadr operands) (cddr operands)))
336 (compile-plain-let (car operands) (cdr operands)))))
337 (compile-plain-let
338 (lambda (bindings body)
339 (check-bindings bindings)
340 (compile-expr
341 (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body))
342 (map cadr bindings)))))
343 (compile-named-let
344 (lambda (name bindings body)
345 (check-bindings bindings)
346 (compile-expr
347 (list 'letrec
348 (list (list name (cons 'lambda (cons (map car bindings) body))))
349 (cons name (map cadr bindings))))))
350 (compile-do
351 (lambda (operands)
352 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing iteration specs"))
353 (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing test clause"))
354 (letrec
355 ((specs (car operands))
356 (test-clause (cadr operands))
357 (commands (cddr operands))
358 (loop-name 'tmp-123f7b03f3810f4a)
359 (step-expr
360 (lambda (spec)
361 (if (null? (cddr spec))
362 (car spec) ; If <step> omitted, use <variable>
363 (caddr spec))))
364 (make-loop-proc
365 (lambda ()
366 (list
367 'lambda (map car specs)
368 (list 'if (car test-clause)
369 ;; If <test> is true, return result of <expressions>
370 (if (null? (cdr test-clause))
371 (list 'quote unspecified-value)
372 (cons 'begin (cdr test-clause)))
373 ;; Otherwise execute <commands> and loop
374 (cons 'begin (append2
375 commands
376 (list (cons loop-name
377 (map step-expr specs))))))))))
378 (if (not (list? specs))
379 (cerror "iteration specs not a list:" specs))
380 (for-each (lambda (spec)
381 (if (not-list-of-length spec 2 3)
382 (cerror "ill-formed iteration spec:" spec)))
383 specs)
384 (if (not (list? test-clause))
385 (cerror "test clause not a list:" test-clause))
386 (if (null? test-clause) (cerror "missing test expression"))
387 (compile-expr
388 (list 'letrec
389 (list (list loop-name (make-loop-proc)))
390 (cons loop-name (map cadr specs)))))))
392 (compile-letrec
393 (lambda (operands)
394 ;; TODO annotate arity as with lambda (watch out for the other manual letrec constructions)
395 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing bindings"))
396 (check-bindings (car operands))
397 (check-param-list (map car (car operands)))
398 (cons 'letrec
399 (cons (map (lambda (binding)
400 (list (car binding) (compile-expr (cadr binding))))
401 (car operands))
402 (compile-body (cdr operands))))))
403 (compile-define
404 (lambda (operands)
405 (set! err-context 'define)
406 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing name"))
407 (if (pair? (car operands))
408 ;; (define (proc . params) . body)
409 ;; -> (define proc (lambda params . body))
410 (list 'define
411 (check-ident (caar operands))
412 (compile-lambda (cons (cdar operands) (cdr operands))))
413 ;; (define var value)
414 (begin (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing value"))
415 (max-args operands 2)
416 (list 'define
417 (check-ident (car operands))
418 (compile-expr (cadr operands)))))))
419 (compile-bad-define
420 (lambda (operands)
421 (cerror "only allowed at start of body or top level:"
422 (cons 'define operands))))
423 (compile-bad-define-syntax
424 (lambda (operands)
425 (cerror "only allowed at top level:" (cons 'define-syntax operands))))
426 (compile-delay
427 (lambda (operands)
428 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing expression"))
429 (max-args operands 1)
430 (list 'delay (compile-expr (car operands)))))
431 (compile-define-syntax
432 (lambda (operands)
433 (set! err-context 'define-syntax)
434 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing name"))
435 (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cerror "missing syntax-rules"))
436 (max-args operands 2)
437 (if (not (list? (cadr operands)))
438 (cerror "not a combination (expected syntax-rules):"
439 (cadr operands)))
440 (if (null? (cadr operands))
441 (cerror "empty combination (expected syntax-rules)"))
442 (if (not (eq? (caadr operands) 'syntax-rules))
443 (cerror "expected syntax-rules:" (cadr operands)))
444 (add-syntax! (check-ident (car operands))
445 (compile-syntax-rules (car operands) (cdadr operands)))
446 unspecified-value))
447 (compile-syntax-rules
448 (lambda (keyword operands)
449 (set! err-context 'syntax-rules)
450 (if (null? operands) (cerror "missing literals"))
451 (if (not (list? (car operands))) (cerror "literals not a list"))
452 (check-param-list (car operands))
453 (cons (deep-copy (car operands))
454 (map (compile-syntax-rule keyword (car operands))
455 (cdr operands)))))
456 (compile-syntax-rule
457 (lambda (keyword literals)
458 (lambda (rule)
459 (if (not-list-of-length rule 2) (cerror "ill-formed rule"))
460 (list (compile-pattern keyword literals (car rule))
461 (deep-copy (cadr rule))))))
462 (compile-pattern
463 (lambda (keyword literals pat)
464 (letrec
465 ((get-pat-vars
466 ;; Walk a pattern, extending a list of pattern variables
467 (lambda (vars pat)
468 (if (pair? pat) (get-pat-vars (get-pat-vars vars (car pat))
469 (cdr pat))
470 (if (symbol? pat)
471 (if (eq? pat '...) (cerror "ellipsis unsupported")
472 (if (memq pat literals) vars (cons pat vars)))
473 vars)))))
474 (if (null? pat) (cerror "empty pattern"))
475 (if (not (pair? pat)) (cerror "pattern not a list:" pat))
476 (if (not (eq? (car pat) keyword))
477 (cerror "pattern doesn't begin with keyword:" pat))
478 (check-param-list (get-pat-vars '() pat))
479 (deep-copy pat))))
481 (transform
482 (lambda (form literals rules)
483 (letrec
484 ((try-rules
485 (lambda (rules)
486 (if (null? rules) (cerror "no matching syntax rule:" form))
487 ;; rule is ((keyword . pattern) template)
488 ((lambda (dict)
489 (if dict (instantiate dict (cadar rules))
490 (try-rules (cdr rules))))
491 (match literals '() form (cdaar rules))))))
492 (try-rules rules))))
493 (match
494 (lambda (literals dict form pattern)
495 (if (symbol? pattern)
496 (if (memq pattern literals)
497 (if (eq? form pattern) dict #f)
498 (dict-extend dict pattern form))
499 (if (pair? pattern)
500 (if (pair? form)
501 ((lambda (dict)
502 (if dict (match literals dict (cdr form) (cdr pattern))
503 #f))
504 (match literals dict (car form) (car pattern)))
505 #f)
506 (if (eq? form pattern) dict
507 #f)))))
508 (instantiate
509 (lambda (dict template)
510 (if (symbol? template) (dict-get dict template template)
511 (if (pair? template) (cons (instantiate dict (car template))
512 (instantiate dict (cdr template)))
513 template)))))
515 (set! deep-copy deep-copy/immutable) ;; distinction not currently necessary
517 (set! builtin-syn-env
518 (list (cons 'lambda compile-lambda)
519 (cons 'quote compile-quote)
520 (cons 'if compile-if)
521 (cons 'set! compile-set)
522 (cons 'begin compile-begin)
523 (cons 'let compile-let)
524 (cons 'do compile-do)
525 (cons 'letrec compile-letrec)
526 (cons 'delay compile-delay)
527 (cons 'define compile-bad-define)
528 (cons 'define-syntax compile-bad-define-syntax)))
529 compile-expr-or-def)