Projects : bitcoin : bitcoin_tx_fee_cleanup


Dir - Raw

1542413 genesis mod6 TRB Genesis
2542413 bitcoin-asciilifeform.1 asciilifeform QT_GUI removal
3542413 rm_rf_upnp ben_vulpes Removal of UPnP
4542413 bitcoin-asciilifeform.2 asciilifeform Removal of SSL from http service
5542413 bitcoin-asciilifeform.3-turdmeister-alert-snip asciilifeform Removal of alert spam
6542413 bitcoin-asciilifeform.4-goodbye-win32 asciilifeform Win32 removal
7542413 asciilifeform_orphanage_thermonuke asciilifeform Drop orphans on the floor
8542413 asciilifeform_tx-orphanage_amputation asciilifeform Remove orphan processing
9542413 asciilifeform_dnsseed_snipsnip asciilifeform Abandon the DNS seeding mechanism
10542413 bitcoin-v0_5_3-db_config mod6 Add BDB configuration options
11542413 asciilifeform_zap_hardcoded_seeds asciilifeform Remove hardcoded node seeds
12542413 bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-static_makefile_v002.8 mod6 Add static makefile options
13542413 asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation asciilifeform Fix integer type problems
14542413 asciilifeform_zap_showmyip_crud asciilifeform Abolishes the '' idiocy; Prerequisite for the total removal of all instances of DNS invocation
15542413 bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-rev_bump ben_vulpes Bump version number to
16542413 asciilifeform_and_now_we_have_block_dumper_corrected asciilifeform Add 'dumpblock' RPC command
17542413 asciilifeform_dns_thermonyukyoolar_kleansing asciilifeform Abolishes all invocations of DNS
18542413 mod6_fix_dumpblock_params mod6 Constrain the 'dumpblock' parameters
19542413 asciilifeform_ver_now_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ip Bump version to 0.5.4; Remove IRC seeder and hooks; Removal of mechanisms for determining own external IP
20542413 asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected asciilifeform Set BDB configuration options to max
21542413 asciilifeform_and_now_we_have_eatblock asciilifeform Add 'eatblock' RPC command
22542413 asciilifeform_lets_lose_testnet asciilifeform Removal of Testnet
23542413 asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option asciilifeform Add 'verifyall' flag
24542413 programmable-versionstring asciilifeform Add two optional command-line flags to change the version string and number
25542413 malleus_mikehearnificarum asciilifeform Ban peers when attempting to issue unsupported commands
26542413 mod6_der_high_low_s mod6 Add command-line flags to set Low-S or High-S
27542413 makefiles mod6 Add makefiles to build entire TRB
28542413 asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks asciilifeform Issue PushGetBlocks command to any peer that issues 'version' command
29614342 trb_keccak_regrind mod6 Not a vpatch, whole TRB tree keccak regrind; Also removes UTF-8 char from original genesis.vpatch
30614347 mod6_privkey_tools mod6 Adds privkey tools
31614351 mod6_manifest mod6 Adds TRB manifest; Updates version comments
32616451 mod6_phexdigit_fix mod6 Adds missing comma to separate values in the phexdigit array in util.cpp.
33617254 mod6_excise_hash_truncation mod6 Regrind of ben_vulpes original; Removes truncation of hashes printed to TRB log file
34617255 mod6_whogaveblox mod6 Regrind of asciilifeform original; Record the origin of every incoming candidate block (whether accepted or rejected)
35625543 bitcoin_rawtx_get_send jfw Add hex raw transaction RPC commands: 'getrawtransaction' fetches from mempool or database; 'sendrawtransaction' injects to mempool or wallet and broadcasts (based loosely on earlier sendrawtransaction patch by polarbeard). Minor simplifications based on new higher-level mempool accessors.
36625543 bitcoin_system_compiler jfw Build system simplification focused on using the system compiler.
37688130 bitcoin_dumpblock_no_losers jfw Correct 'dumpblock' to restrict its search to the current best chain, rather than dumping the first matching block by height (which may have lost the mining race and been reorganized away).
38696655 bitcoin_help_tuneups jfw Don't hide help for wallet commands based on current encryption state; accept -help for consistency; rewrite inane help for -highs/-lows options; add help for -disablesafemode; make it and -testsafemode use explicit variables for consistency and centricity of options; clarify warning message shown in safe mode and change the political interpretation it offers; fix inept formatting in the parts otherwise touched.
39696655 bitcoin_permissive_mode jfw Add -permissive option to disable the potentially isolating effects of the malleus_mikehearnificarum; remove -caneat option, always allowing 'eatblock' which has no need for such childproofing.
40707665 bitcoin_boost_prune_built_libs jfw Reduce precompiled Boost libraries to the four actually in use.
41709104 bitcoin_tx_fee_cleanup jfw Add nMinRelayTxFee global accessed with new -minrelaytxfee option, minrelaytxfee field in getinfo, and setminrelaytxfee RPC command. Use this to replace the fixed MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE. Simplify mempool acceptance rules so this threshold always applies (no special-case free transactions or rubber-banding threshold by current block size). Adjust block generation logic accordingly, though it still sorts on a strange age-value priority rather than fee. Simplify wallet to always send using its configured fee (-paytxfee) and change its default to match the default minrelaytxfee, removing the fixed MIN_TX_FEE. Make nTransactionFee access thread-safe and expand the help text for its inconsistently named RPC setter. Fees are now figured properly without premature rounding, as floor((size*rate)/1024) rather than (floor(size/1000)+1)*rate. *NOTE:* This change may substantially impact wallet transaction fees and node memory usage patterns but puts more control over these in the hands of the operator.